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Posts posted by killamch89

  1. Hey everyone, let's dive into a topic that's been on my mind lately. With the rise of streaming services and podcasts, do you believe that traditional radio stations are on the brink of extinction? Share your thoughts on whether radio will eventually fade into the background or if it will find new ways to adapt and thrive in the digital age.

  2. Have you ever stumbled upon a film so bad that it actually became a guilty pleasure? Share your favorite "so bad it's good" movie experiences! Whether it's cheesy dialogue, ridiculous plots, or hilariously bad acting, let's hear about those hidden gems that somehow managed to charm us despite their flaws.

  3. What's your pick for the ultimate video game adaptation of a book or comic? Whether it's delving into the mystical world of "The Witcher" series or swinging through the streets of New York as Spider-Man, which games truly captured the essence of their literary or comic book counterparts? Put your thoughts down below.

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