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The Blackangel

Ghostly Legends Of Your Culture

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I love the paranormal. It fascinates me. Whether you believe in it or not, every culture has its own legends of ghosts, or entities of a paranormal nature. So since there are members from all over the world here, I was curious about what legends and stories people have from their respective cultures. Cryptids like Bigfoot, Nessie, or the Chupacabra don't count. This is all about ghosts.


The most famous one from here in the states would have to be the ghost of Lincoln in the White House. He is seen there all the time. Typically either staring out his bedroom window or the window of the Oval Office. He has even been seen at the side of his bed, pulling on his boots.


Here in Missouri, we have hundreds legends. More than any other state from what I understand. One of the more famous ones it that of Molly Crenshaw. She was a Jamaican slave who was chopped into dozens of pieces and each piece was buried in a different location. It's said that the parts of her body are slowly crawling through the soil to reassemble so that she can rise out of the ground and take her revenge. It's almost a rite of passage to look for parts of her body as a teenager. None have ever been found though.


So what do you got? Duppies? La Llorona? Banshee? Something else more terrifying? If any of those 3 apply DEFINITELY let us know! I'm interested to hear straight from the horses mouth, so to say.

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I don’t know any but it’s scary to think there may be ghosts around. If someone believes in religion, doesn’t that automatically make them obligated to believe in ghosts? So half the world should believe it’s real and should pursue ghost hunting instead of searching for Noah’s Ark which is made of wood and decayed by now. 

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9 hours ago, Reality vs Adventure said:

I don’t know any but it’s scary to think there may be ghosts around. If someone believes in religion, doesn’t that automatically make them obligated to believe in ghosts? So half the world should believe it’s real and should pursue ghost hunting instead of searching for Noah’s Ark which is made of wood and decayed by now. 

A lot of religions teach you that believing in such things is blasphemy. Yet believing in angels, daemons, and a bearded guy sitting on a cloud being a complete dick to all of us is perfectly fine and required to be swallowed blindly.

If I'm required to believe all that bullshit, then what the fuck makes ghosts unacceptable?

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I remember visiting Texas State Penitentiary just a little drive away, and turns out they have ghosts there. I don't remember much, but remembered enough to look it up and the death row area is supposedly haunted. Fuckers got burned by the chair while people watch. 

Question to ask: would you want to watch an execution? 

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