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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. I've only rage quit a couple games, and I haven't played them since. But with that I think it's understandable. Typically, I don't think I'm a bad loser, with only one exception. I will no longer be drawn into a Risk game. I am the worst person in the world to have in that game. I'll join in as a spectator, but I won't even consider playing it.
  2. It's not necessary to have money in order to have a happy life. It fucking helps. But it's not a requirement.
  3. I tried it when I was a kid. Every time I would end up on my face, or if I was lucky, my ass. I could never get the hang of it. I rode an 81 Honda before it got stolen. Even if I still possessed the ability, I wouldn't get on a pogo stick again.
  4. I'm simple. Cobbler beats everything. Yeah you can sometimes get a decent one at the store or a restaurant, but if you want real cobbler it's gotta be homemade. Typically I want blackberry or gooseberry. Mixing the two is great. I used to always make what I called "bruise berry cobbler" when I was younger. It was simply a blackberry and blueberry cobbler. I'd mix the 2 fruits in one cobbler. For those who don't get it, black and blue is what we say here in the states when you get a bruise. For example, if you get hit in the face with a baseball, we say you're turning black and blue as the bruise sets in.
  5. Look, ditch the bitch. You have already shown that no amount of money is going to satisfy him. If you give him $2, he's going to bitch about why can't you give him more. If you give him $200 he's going to bitch about if you can afford that much, why don't you give him more. You're being played for a fool by this asshole. Especially once he begins talking shit about you. If he has such little respect for his fans, especially the ones who give him money, then he deserves to lose his entire following and be blacklisted from YouTube. It's why I rarely upload to any of my channels. It's drama that I neither need nor want when you start drawing in the haters. Tell him off in very unfriendly terms if you want, and then abandon and forget him. It seems your asking our permission to drop him. Well, here's my permission. Leave his channel behind and never return to it. Let him piss and moan and call you names. But never return to him for any reason. If you really want to hurt him, talk a a lot of people in the comments section and convince them to ditch his worthless ass.
  6. Watching Cena in the ring was always amazing. I mean who else had the physical power to lift Big Show and flip him over their shoulders? He has given wrestling fans (former and current) so much, that by now his body needs the rest. Unless he just blows straight through it, he will never have to worry about money again. Pro wrestling, acting, and music? He's an entertainer through and through. Yeah the movie and record offers will dry up at some point. That's how it goes for everyone. I mean when was the last time you heard of Rick Moranis being offered a role? Not since the mid 90's. Moranis's last film roles were Barney Rubble in The Flintstones (1994) and the box-office flop Big Bully (1996). So he will fully retire all around at some point. But he is in the prime of his life right now. He is a physical specimen for the record books, and is a total sweetheart to everyone. Except in the ring. Then he is an evil killer. So I say, go for the retirement. Unless I don't remember right, I think Vince (king asshole of the fucking sports world) tries to copyright every aspect of his wrestler's lives, including their legal names. He has been told he can't copyright their legal names which is why he wants them to all adopt a ring name. Big Show, Edge, Big Papa Pump, CM Punk, and so on. That way he can have his fingers in anything and everything they do regardless of if it's acting, singing, or farting on a taco. If they get paid for ANYTHING, that greedy bastard gets paid. That's why the Dudley Boyz are now known in TNA(Impact?) as Team 3D.
  7. You need to post that in the correct thread. If you want to talk about trades, it needs to be posted here. But to respond to your question, I absolutely HATE baseball. In my opinion, it is the slowest and most boring game in American sports. I can't say much about games like Cricket (which here is nothing but a bug to feed to reptiles) because (as far as I know) it's not broadcast here in the states. The same goes for tennis. No offense to anyone in the rest of the world if you're a cricket or tennis fan. They're just the closest to baseball that I could think of. The game has to move for me to be interested. I do however remember watching Mark McGwire break Roger Maris's home run record back in 1998.
  8. Mayonnaise with peanut butter? Tell me you're fucking with me. 🤢🤮
  9. It's also hard as hell on your kidneys. I've had kidney stones twice, and UTI's often, so I don't need any more problems with that shit. I simply refuse to take is anymore. Besides my doctor wants me to take acetaminophen anyway. DENGUE FEVER! HOLY SHIT! YOU'RE LUCKY AS HELL THAT THEY CAUGHT IT EARLY!
  10. I can't say it's my absolute favorite all around, but one is: The world's greatest tragedy / Souls who are not remembered / Cannot survive It's from Hold On To Memories by Disturbed. They have 2 different videos for it, so I'm linking both here.
  11. Not a fucking chance it's logical. There are hundreds of other measures cops can use to quell a protest. Rubber bullets, powerguns that shoot hard rubber balls about the size of a tennis ball. Sure those are brutal, and do still involve opening fire, but they are also non-lethal. And that's just two. That would give them the time to make an arrest. So killing protesters is killing for the sake of killing. But then again, with the way criminal punishment seems to go in a lot of African countries, death may be a preferable option. I don't know a lot about African politics, or even which countries death would be preferable and more humane as I haven't looked at the data in probably 15 years at least. So my information could easily be outdated and completely wrong.
  12. Everyone here knows that I've been talking to Canada about asylum. But I've also been looking further from these shores. Across the pond. That may be just an American term, I don't know. Mainly Ireland and the UK. People here also know that I'm a part of the LGBTQ+ community. And you know how toxic and dangerous it is for me to even check my mail. So I'm curious on the standing towards my brothers and sisters over there. A YouTube search can show you thousands of videos covering just a tiny bit. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, none of the above, all the above, it doesn't matter. We all have a target on our backs. And virtually all of my brothers and sisters are looking for a place safe enough where they can check their mail without a red dot on their forehead.
  13. It's unfortunate that before he died (which was criminally negligent homicide on the part of his doctor in my opinion. more below) he couldn't do any kind of meet & greet with fans. The danger posed to him, and the godlike worship that posed danger for his fans could have ended up with lost lives. People dropping dead from being able to simply be within arms reach to shake his hand or simply say "Hello" could easily have overloaded said fans heart and caused them to go into cardiac arrest and die on the spot. There are several celebrities I've met, and several others I want to meet. But, despite being in pure shock about a shout out that @Rain Dew got for me for Yule (xmas to you) in 2021 from Roger Clark (RDR2 Arthur Morgan) I don't see them all that different from myself. They still eat, sleep, and shit the same as me. The difference is that they just have a better job. Especially since my crippled ass is stuck in a fucking wheelchair for the rest of my miserable life. more: Propofol to fucking sleep?! There are options that are nowhere near the lethality Propofol posed. It's fucking used as an anesthetic which requires someone called an ANESTHESIOLOGIST just to get the shit right so that a person DOES NOT DIE. Yeah, I'm pissed. Medical malpractice is something that really pisses me off, having been a victim of it myself. Not going into a lot of details, but a doctor prescribing an extremely dangerous dosage of multiple meds all at once? That alone could have killed me. This would have been 20+ years ago. Just a few months after I got clean. There's more instances, but I'm not getting into them. So I don't give a fuck who the doctor is or how well they're thought of, one fuckup like that means they're a goddamn QUACK and need to lose their license and be publicly outed as a QUACK and why.
  14. Random question popped into my mind reading your takes on this. What are your thoughts if a person wanted to emigrate to the UK? In an all around sense, and if they are LGBTQ+?
  15. Hopefully, unlike here, you don't have one of the major candidates quoting Mein Kampf. Our own Adolf 2.0 has been quoting Hitler for several years now, and praising his ideals. So we have 2 choices. A Nazi, that will work against us in every way, or a politician who will work FOR us. While I'm a hardcore liberal Democrat, I don't have much faith in either of our 2 main parties at the moment. They keep running around playing politics in the rest of the world, and ignoring what we need to fucking fix here at home. Also with the goddamn Electoral College in place here, our votes don't mean any more than toilet paper. We don't decide the vote. They do.
  16. I'm still feeling like roadkill that's been tap danced on by Bigfoot. I'm alive though, so there's that. I try to dip in as much as I can. But it's been almost a month since I've been able to take a peek.
  17. Well depending on the delivery, caps often didn't do shit for me. Grass almost always doesn't do a damn thing other than get me a little stoned and make me hungry. After 20+ years, I've built up a tolerance that blocks much of the intended effects. Even though it's legalized here both medicinal and recreational.
  18. Naproxen over the counter is Aleve. That shit works wonders. I try to keep it around the house because it's stronger and it's safer than ibuprofen or straight up aspirin. Yes, it has aspirin in it, but there's other shit in the mix too.
  19. There was nothing MJ couldn't do. I watched a documentary on him one time, and it showed women having to be taken out on stretchers just because they actually saw him with their bare eyes. One girl was clutching her Thriller album in her arms and could only say "Michael" all the way to the hospital. I don't think there's any superstar, whether they're an actor, musician, athlete, or anything else that has ever had that kind of effect on a person. It's also been well documented long before he died, that if he ever ended up in a pinch and needed cash, all he had to do was release another album. And with his talent, he could do that in his sleep. The closest any musician ever could have come was back in the 50's with either Elvis or the Beatles. But if you compare them side by side, there is no comparison. Michael Jackson is so far above them that comparing them is a waste of time. You can disagree on who you would prefer to bring back, but you can not manipulate facts to try to make them fit your opinions. Michael Jackson was probably the greatest musical performer we will ever see. I still would want to bring Chester Bennington back, but that doesn't negate the facts in relation to Michael Jackson.
  20. Trust me women are often a lot more deceitful. With men, you know immediately what they're after. Sex. With women, it's much more difficult to tell when you're being played. We don't go in strictly for sex the way men do. So there's no telling what a woman is going to do to you to manipulate you for what she wants. But considering that my tits and pussy are all men in my past have ever seen, I have no use for them. Girls you can keep them men all for yourself. I'll stick with women.
  21. No clue. As long as a bruise anywhere else I guess. After all this shit passes, I’m gonna begin putting spikes on the soles of all my shoes to try to avoid this happening again.
  22. No one cared. I was the world’s whipping girl. From every angle was incessant abuse beyond what most could fathom. My uncle did try to kill me after all. But that’s how life is. No one cares. It doesn’t mean shit how friendly or hard working you are. You’re never going to earn what you’re busting your ass for because no one gives a shit about you. You never lose anything, because you never had anything to lose in the first place. When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose.
  23. An open mind is a great thing, but it can also easily lead to becoming a victim. If you’re too open minded, it can lead to you being used and abused by people you thought cared about you because you gave the an undeserved benefit of the doubt. There is too much of a good thing.
  24. They've been around for well over a century, which means that in all that time they have DEFINITELY learned how to stay in the game.
  25. Wil wasn't fired, he left the show for personal reasons. Something to do with family. That's when Grady came in and started hosting the show.
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