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Does having celebs and outside characters in Call of Duty hurt it or help it?

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As you know the recent Call of Duty games have started to release character skins of popular celebs and characters from other media and games. You could see the likes of Skeletor, Ash from the Evil Dead movies, Lara Croft, 21 Savage, Nicki Minaj, Snoop Dogg, Homelander (From the Boys show), Shredder and more. I'm sure you get my point. The once Call of Duty franchise that took war history seriously, but now you got these character skins in multiplayer that make it more of a Fornite clone than Call of Duty for me. I get that the main story has no connection with the multiplayer, but COD was never about character skins, hell you don't even see them until you do a melee attack on someone. 

I get why they are doing it, it's making them tons of money because people are into playing as these characters. And I know some will say it doesn't matter, as it can still be fun. It's just weird to me that a Call of Duty game has these options. It's just another way for them to make cash, and doesn't innovate on that game in any way. With Fortnite it sort of makes sense, because you actually see the character in action. Otherwise you're only seeing other people play as those characters. 

As a fan, I wish their focus was on improving the gameplay, the maps and so on. The character skins aren't important to me, I'd rather them working to make the game a better experience, and maybe even put more work into the single player campaign instead on another version of Nicki Minaj or Skeletore lol. 

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Everything is now all about the money for most of these AAA games and it's been very obvious with the Call of Duty franchise recently over the years as poor effort have been made into making the game be as good as it used to be when it comes to gameplay. They took a page out of what Epic Games have been doing with their skins microtransactions in Fortnite. It's such a shame they are killing the biggest shooting game franchise we know. 

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