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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Have ever tried to make money online? What have your experience being like? Was it easy or difficult? Have you been scammed when you're trying to earn online? When you found a good paying channel, how long did it take you to get your first payment from it?
  2. After Argentina won the Copa America when they beat Colombia, some of their players including Enzo Fernández taking part in singing and dancing a racist song which was addressed to France players. This song they had practiced was - "Listen, spread the word, they play in France, but they are all from Angola, they are going to run well, they like to sleep with trans people, their mum is Nigerian, their dad is Cameroonian, but on the passport it says: French." What backlash do you think this will have on him when he returns to Chelsea where about 5 of his teammates have unfollowed him on Instagram and spoke out against him?
  3. Antony was a record signing of Teng Hag from Ajax who cost United over €100 million but he has yet to live up to the billing. Amad have been so good but always have set back with injuries just like last season. This season, he's playing well in the pre season match. Do you think if he can keep fit and stay off injuries, he will see Antony dropped to bench for him to be a regular starter?
  4. Manchester United have had a serious challenge in replacing Vidic and Ferdinand since they retired. It have been hit and miss with all they buy in cental defence but it seem like they have got their man after beating Real Madrid to sign the 18 years old defender Yoro from Lille. What do you make of this transfer?
  5. I think he already retried from international football after the Euro 2024 tournament. He will still play another season with Real Madrid but I think that's going to be his last.
  6. Messi is a FIFA boy. They will most likely gift it to him yet again. Did you see the FIFA president attend any of the Euro 2024 tournament matches? But he did attended Argentina's match in the Copa America.
  7. From the time all the group stage matches was played, I knew it was going to be either Spain or Germany. But after both Spain and Germany was paired in the same side for knockout stages, I knew it was going to be Spain.
  8. With how the pre season is going now, I'm impressed with the new defender Yoro. Onana is actually good but United need defenders that can play a high line.
  9. It's like you didn't watch Spain play any match in the Euro 2024 tournament? They played exceptionally well exactly with the same tiki-taka tactics of Pep.
  10. Potter have been linked with the job of new England coach for a long time. New rumors started popping up recently about Klopp being linked to the job as well.
  11. Why would I want to see more of him in the ring after WrestleMania 2025? John Cena have given everything in WWE. He doesn't owe the fans anything else. He needs to rest.
  12. I don't think that it's only going to me with the assessment of how anime girls are being so oversexualized. It's not the same thing with their male counterpart which is why I don't understand why they do it that way. What could be the reason why anime girls are oversexualized?
  13. There are great songs out there and in the same vein, there are songs which are horrible too. If you could think of the worst song you've listen to or watched, which one is it going to be? Mine would be this song - All About The Bass by Meghan Trainor.
  14. Vacation is a time when you make it a duty to take care of yourself, spend quality time in a place where you will rest, explore and have fun before dragging yourself back to work. Where did you go to during your last vacation or which trips did you go on?
  15. Do you have any kind of insecurities which makes you worried whenever you're dealing with people? What could that insecurities be about? I have one and it's because of how loud I sound whenever I'm talking. It always sound as if I'm screaming or shouting at the person I'm talking to. It makes me feel bad all the time. What are your insecurities?
  16. I have kind of noticed that there are some ladies who have a thing for bad guys or as they usually put it guy's who are tough. I can't understand what's the attraction when you're sure there's a chance of landing yourself in trouble when rolling with such guys. What's the drive behind their kind of relationship decision and selection?
  17. If it's about people getting on your nerves, it's something that's never going to stop as long as you're dealing with human beings. The last time I ran out of patience with someone was when the guy owing me kept ducking paying me back last 3 months ago. He didn't like how I reeled into him with a strong outburst. When was the last time you ran out of patience with someone?
  18. Do you enjoy hiking as a hobby? Which places have been your favourite and most stunning place that you've hiked on many good trails? Salzkammergut Region is one of the best places in Austria that's well known for its mountain and lakes. What's your favourite hiking spot?
  19. Nature can be very beautiful with how it makes mountain areas to look like with trees and everything around. It's always a place that breed peace. The same thing can be said about beach areas. Between both of them, which one do you like spending more time in?
  20. This is happening to my account a lot lately on Instagram with my comments being removed for no justifiable reason. I asked for an insight on food recipe, after I got it from someone and said thank you but Instagram removed my posts saying I tried to get likes in a misleading way. Like seriously!!
  21. There are those who are so good when it comes to fixing most problems in their car. My father was like that and I don't know how he was that good at it. It's only oil filter I can change in my car 😂 Are you any good with fixing your car alone?
  22. I would never recommend taking ibuprofen often. The drug puts you at the risk of developing ulcer as quickly as possible.
  23. I believe that it is always going to be based on how the game appeals to you as you kept playing at one particular point in time. This is going to decide what direction you are going to be following in completing the game.
  24. This is a reality that I am also coming to acceptance with because once those variables have been eliminated completely, there is no way we are going to see release parties again.
  25. It is equally mostly online that I make out time once in a while to read whatever have been published on News websites. Apart from that, I always prefer watching news on Al Jazeera.
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