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VR Skater - As good as the Skate franchise, but for VR?

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VR Skater is a VR skating game by DEFICIT Games that is currently in an early access state. It's currently available for steam but is coming out for the PSVR 2 once it comes out of its early access stage. It's good to know we have an option for skating games like this, because I can see a skating game in VR working quite well if done right. The game does have pretty good reviews on steam, though it's only been reviewed by 191 people. 

This game is already available for purchase on steam under early access, but come January 15th, it should also release for the PSVR 2 and should come out of early access. 

Steam - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1285920/VR_Skater/

Looks like it'd be kind of easy to control, so if I can ever afford to get my hands on a VR headset or a PSVR 2, I'll probably check this out eventually. 

More on this news (PSVR 2 release date, etc - https://xrsource.net/5108/vr-skater-grinds-out-of-early-access-next-month/)


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