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Reality vs Adventure

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Posts posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. Racing genre is something I don't know much about. What would be the best car racing game for a newer system like the ps4? Something with cool cars and scenic drives. Is there such a thing? Maybe even a game with a story? Or should I just get my kicks with grand theft auto? It's got a story. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, Kane99 said:

    Since I've been playing Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare, I guess I'll talk about that. I love this DLC for RDR1. The story mode is a ton of fun, and the multiplayer is a blast too. Sadly I couldn't get multiplayer to work last night. I suspect the servers may be down or maybe I just can't get it to work on Xbox One. 😞 Anyway, I played a few hours last night while I had a meeting with some people I work with. I think I'm nearly halfway through the DLC. I'm thinking I might stream it tonight for a Halloween stream. 

    As for the game today. It runs great and still looks great. The controls are a bit stiff though, especially when riding your horse. I respect that RDR2 made some much needed changes. But I still would prefer they keep it the way it was in RDR1 so you can't flip off your horse when crashing into stuff. 

    Deadeye rocks as usual, and there are all kinds of undead monsters to deal with. Some areas can get pretty chaotic. Who here remembers the Undead nightmare DLC? I remember the trailer that came out for it and was so happy to see actual tv spots for the game. 

    I actually played that more than the original RDR. Think I'm gonna give it another shot! Forgot about that game. Dang it! One more on my inny minny miny moe list!

  3. 1 hour ago, The Blackangel said:

    I take snapshots and short videos on my Switch all the time. If I want to post them, I just upload them to Twitter than save them to my PC. My Twitter is a throwaway account that I only use for this purpose alone.

    I hear that, but I don't even have a twitter or facebook account. In my hay days I would have been thrown in prison if I did. 🤪🤡 Revolution! 👊

    Not a bad idea though

  4. 5 hours ago, Shagger said:


    Lots of games have come out with photo modes in recent years. I'd say PlayStation games in particular have really embracing and pushing the idea a lot.

    I wish they had that function when I was a kid. Can you imagine looking back at all your gaming pics decades later? I've only played one other game that has photo capabilities which was Monster Hunter World. But even that was limited. 

  5. That's cool! I love taking screen shots to save for the memories. Imgur looks like a good one. It's fun to see what others have pics of too. Especially the newer Assassins Creed games since you can edit your photos in game. They should develop that ability for every game to be able to capture an image at any moment and have 360 view, zoom in or out. 

  6. 5 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

    I used to have a job at the mall operating a VR ride. How it worked was that you would pick a scenario that you wanted to "ride". There was an enclosed thing that you got inside, and would move and jerk in accordance with the video that played in front of you. A lot of people got motion sickness on it. To do it, I had to experience all of them. There were roller coasters, race car rides, boat rides, outer space rides, and several others. It was 20 years ago, and my memory is shit, so there's no way I could remember all of them. If I do remember though, it was actual footage that was played inside the machine to try to make the ride as realistic as possible.

    That's another ball game to use actual footage and shape it into a game. Imagine soldiers wearing body cams in real time battles and putting that in a game. Whoah. Or actual murder scenes, morgues, operations in hospitals, or animals slaughtered. Ever watched the movie Faces of Death? Sick stuff. 

  7. I'm gettin closer to the end of the main story I think. Still have tons of unexplored areas though. I had a hunch I was getting close and still had a bunch of quests to do so I looked up if I went ahead with the main story, would I lose those quests? Sure enough, if I want the whole experience I've got to finish other quests or lose them forever. Just a heads up.

    Doesn't seem too long cause I'm really enjoying it. I think it's all the side quests that make the main story seem too long. Even those are all good and unique too. Even if you can't get into it, give it another chance. Glad I stuck it out. One of the top of my list in favorite games. 

    Also, if you end up getting sound issues like the music not playing, there is a fast travel bug that seems to be common. So fast travel to Skellige and see if it works. If not, close the game application and start up again. WTF?

  8. 2 hours ago, Kane99 said:

    I'm getting a Far Cry vibe from the graphics. Not bad. I played a few of the Test Drive games, never played this one though. Looks pretty! I might have to check it out. 

    A game I want to talk about today is Shadow of the Colossus. I have the PS2 version and still have the save file for it somewhere. I have like 8 more bosses to get through before I beat it. I'm considering getting the remastered version at some point. Did it come out for the PS4? If so I should get a PS4 soon. 😄 

    But yeah, this game was so huge for the PS2. The boss fights were some of the coolest I've ever seen. I wish I completed it on the PS2, but maybe one day I'll revisit it, or like I said, get the remastered version with probably better controls. I wish they made boss battles as cool as that these days. 

    I never played Shadow of the Colossus on ps2 so it's hard to compare, but I have it on the ps4. The controls seem a bit sluggish. Picture looks amazing and hard to believe it was a game for the ps2. So if you are looking for a quicker response from the controller, I wouldn't count on it. 

  9. 4 hours ago, skyfire said:

    Current problems of VR are - no realistic graphics, no option to protect your mind in context of differentiation of objects in it with context to real life, eyes subjected to light source which consistntly cant take it much and also it has other technical issues. but they are issues of today, in 5 years from now on they wont be. 

    Thing is if you have happy childhood, happy adulthood, you have literally nothing to gain from VR, not even gameplay wise because that would just irritate the hell out of your brain and eyes. But if there are some suffering people out there (people who are under trauma, who are burned out, who had lost people etc) in such case, it can be therapy for many. I know it could be therapy for me. 

    VR can also be for thrill seekers and not just for emotional desires. I tried a roller coaster game in VR and my senses perceived it as real, making me lose balance and I would have fallen if I didn't kneel down. And that was just using a headset with no mechanical simulation. That's how real it all seemed to me. I'm pretty sure the military and astronauts use virtual reality to learn how to operate machinery, so that photorealism and simulation is already here. 

  10. I've had an electric storm blow out my ps3 and I lost all game data. It happened earlier this year but I have another ps3 now. And because of that I recently started giving Mass Effect 2 another try and some other games including Dead Space 2. I got really far in Dead Space 1 and lost all of that. I have two ps4 consoles and recently backed up everything on the 2nd one. Not playing around any more. I even save what I can on external hard drives and keep updating it every week. 

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