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Posts posted by Kennysplash

  1. On 2/1/2024 at 7:52 PM, Heatman said:

    Yes of course, video games can be educational in so much ways. It depends on what you're playing that's going to determine what you're looking at learning from the game. I've heard someone said he got so much knowledge about guns because of so many shooting games he has played dealing with different kinds of guns. He can tell any gun in real life once he sees it because he's already very familiar with them in video games. 

    My brother played Forza Horizon so much. It pumped up his knowledge of cars brands, models and manufacturers. If he starts automobile analysis you would be wowed. All from the video game. 

  2. It is noteworthy that people like to keep up with technological trends. So when they see a new product they would want to upgrade the previous ones so as to enjoy the new features. And of course they can afford it. 
    At the same there are others that don’t fancy the constant update. It might be the funds, but for some they don’t see the need as long as the previous versions work fine. 

    Do you swiftly upgrade your gadgets once a new one is released?

  3. Many believe that gaming is only for fun. The truth is it can be used for educational purposes. 
    Gaming can be a great and fun way to learn new things. There are games that teach players about history, science, math, and even foreign languages. Some games also allow players to simulate real-world scenarios, like running a business or even flying a plane. 

    I started playing Taxi driver many years ago before I knew what driving is all about. So it taught me all the basics of driving before I started to learn further. 

    We need to start viewing gaming as not only a fun activity but as an educational tool as well. That way we will be more open to what we can learn. 

  4. Binge gaming simply refers to playing for hours nonstop, say 4 hours and above.  Most times when you are done you feel depleted of energy to do anything productive, and you just feel the need to not try it next time. 
    But it can be inevitable when you have a favorite game, and you just can’t bring yourself to put down the controller. 

    Have you ever binged on a game? Do you do it often? 

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