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Posts posted by Kennysplash

  1. No doubt, everyone of us have those games that we just cannot push through to the end. We don’t feel it and we just move on to the next one quickly. 
    But is it something you do often, that it has become consistent?
    The only game I didn’t see to the end is NFS (most wanted). There are just a lot of missions and levels for a game that can be monotonous. Save for the multiplayer though. 

    Do you have games that you quit halfway? Why?


  2. 3 hours ago, Debashis said:

    Yes, the gaming media can influence the gameplay experience through reviews, previews, and coverage that can shape players' expectations and perceptions of a game before they even play it.

    Would you say that this is in a good or bad way? I just want to know if it’s just me or there are others that see the media’s effect on gaming as negative. It just has done some damage to the amazing and exciting gaming experience we used to have. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Debashis said:

    Yes, playing video games can be a form of therapy. It can be used to improve mental health, cognitive abilities, and social skills. However, it is important to note that it should be used in conjunction with traditional therapy methods and under the guidance of a qualified professional.

    So that what you are using as a therapy does not become another problem, that needs therapy. 😅

    Have someone that you are accountable for or that guides you, it might not really work if you undergo it yourself. 

  4. Someone new to gaming approaches you and ask for recommendations on what games to start playing first. I started by playing super Mario on Sega, something non complex. I would advise that too, possibly Tetris as well.
    From there they can figure out their choice and what to move on to. I would not want to suggest a complex game which can pose a great challenge or leave them confused.

    What would you do?

  5. Say, about 15 years ago there was little about games on the internet. If you are stuck on a level you have to either ask your friends how to go about it or figure it out yourself, which makes it all more exciting. 

    That is totally different now. If stuck, anyone can just go online and watch a few minutes video to learn how to advance. It’s all a search away. Does this not ruin gameplay experience?

    Besides, we get more snippets of these games online before they are released. Although we can say that it builds anticipation, still it eventually reduces our excitement when we get these games. That’s because we sort of know what to expect, thanks to the media. 

    What is your opinion on the effect of the media on gaming?

  6. On 12/24/2023 at 10:01 PM, Ravenfreak said:

    It depends on what game I'm playing. I'll usually only take clips if I found a glitch or if I'm recording footage for my Youtube channel. Other than that I normally don't take clips of games, especially not on my PS5.

    You made me remember the last time I made a clip. I used it to show a technician the lags I was getting in the game, not really for any kind of show. 

  7. Simulator games involve more of cognitive exertion. You have to think well before you make your next move. You also have to be deeply involved if you would go far in the game. 
    It can be boring sometimes, and not what I can play for long hours. Still I think something I would enjoy. 
    “Myst” is an example, you are stuck on an Island and you need to solve a series of puzzles to escape. 

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