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Everything posted by Euronymous53

  1. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (PC) I love this game, it's VEERY hard, but I can spend hours trying to kill an enemy, and I don't get bored. Also, the music is incredible.
  2. Shadow of the colossus, playing with my friend at his house, PS2
  3. Absolutely. In fact, there are many games that teach the player about history or ancient/contemporary cultures. Games are funny (in general) and if players can increase their cultural level while having fun, well, I have no words to express how wonderful it is (I say this because most students don't like to study because for them it's tedious and boring, like in school. So, if people can learn things in an entertaining way, great). Examples: Assassin's Creed, God Of War, Tomb Raider, Ghost of Tsushima, Indiana Jones, Wolfenstein... And yeah, i'd love to see games being used to teach at classes. (Sorry if my english is a sh**, I'm learning)
  4. Lara Croft from the Tomb Raider saga. She could survive exploring the whole world, so I think she can live comfortably on an insignificant island
  5. Is there any PS4 emulator for PC? I'd like to play Bloodborne and it is only available for PS4. I have pc and a joystick, nothing else, no consoles. I've played some games for N64, SNES, Wii, with their respective emulators. I searched information about some PS4 emulators for PC and didn't find anything, anyways hope someone can help me
  6. What an interesting question.. i'd like to be killed by Marta, from Outlast 2, it would be funny 😁 I remember that she could nail the cross in the protagonist's crotch.. ugh it could hurt me a lot, but I'm a woman, so what would she do with that cross in my corpse? I know that there were another types of deaths, but i'd want a bloody and darker one. I think that it would be so exciting to be running from her in that deadly and horror town. Thanks for the question, i imagined a very good scene haha
  7. Fully agree, I really like the environment and historic context in each AC game, that's one of the reasons it is my favorite saga (AC, like you probably now, has more unic and magnific aspects, but that is another subject). And if the saga didn't have that aspect so well designed, it probably wouldn't be as good as it is. I've recently finished Odyssey and the second one, I'm in process of finishing the first one and i'll install Syndicate. I exagerated, I really want to play Black Flag, but I uninstalled it 'cause I didn't have time for it and fell in love with other games (but, yeah, it did frustrate me that the game didn't save the session).
  8. Oh thanks, i love this forum. And respect of what you said, oh man... i remember my first time playing Assassin's Creed II, where the controls are not so horrible, but why do i have to run with right click and memorize each symbol for each action!? Anyways, i got used to. However, the saving mecanich of the majority AC games is a shit. The games don't allow to you to save wherever you are. I hate that. I was like 2 hours playing Black Flag and when i opened again the game, SURPRISE, 0 progress. I uninstalled it. I'm in love with Assassin's Creed anyways.
  9. Obviously the story, but i think that the soundtrack and the characters development are too. Specially the soundtrack.
  10. Final Fantasy VII. I've been all the week at least 4 hours per day playing this game... PC, with a joystick.
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