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About CastletonSnob

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  1. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door.
  2. Have you ever seen a made-up sport in a show you were watching and thought, "Man, that looks so cool. If only it were real"? What fictional sport do you wish were real? I'll start with the obvious: Quidditch.
  3. https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/20/politics/surveillance-footage-coffee-county-georgia-fake-trump-elector/index.html "Both parties are the same, guys!".
  4. As you know, America is having some VERY important midterm elections this year, so remember to register to vote! And if you already are, get everyone you know to register to vote! https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote
  5. What are the worst business decisions you've ever seen? Blockbuster passing on Netflix has to be up there.
  6. Mine are Baby Blues, Zits, Crabgrass, and I’ve recently gone back to reading Wallace the Brave.
  7. Ever have a game or a TV show that you remember playing or seeing, but just can't remember what it was called? Well, maybe we can help. Describe a thing in media that you remember playing or seeing, and maybe people can guess what its name is.
  8. Why haven't any Nintendo consoles, except for the Switch and Wii, sold 100 million units like their handhelds?
  9. Ever have a game or a TV show that you remember playing or seeing, but just can't remember what it was called? Well, maybe we can help. Describe a thing in media that you remember playing or seeing, and maybe people can guess what its name is.
  10. Do you think Esports will ever become as popular as football, basketball or baseball? Will the finals of say, an Overwatch tournament be viewed by as many people as the Super Bowl? Will people at work gather around the water cooler, talking about last night's League of Legends match?
  11. Holy shit, dude. I'm sorry you went through that.
  12. Does the south have any redeeming qualities besides food?
  13. What was the worst injury you ever had as a kid? When I was a kid, I touched the hot part of a gas heater and got 3rd degree burns.
  14. Why are Nintendo's handhelds so much more successful than their home consoles?
  15. You make it sound like Nintendo ditched Sony for no reason. Sony was going to make most of the money from the add-on. The deal was HEAVILY in Sony's favor. And Sony would have entered the console race with or without Nintendo. Part of the deal was that Sony would make a standalone console. I don't think the SNES CD add-on would have even been successful, seeing how badly the Sega CD did.
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