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Posts posted by Joant73

  1. This may not totally qualify as it is more monologue than dialogue.  But Wheatley in Portal 2 really makes that game, the humor and general vibe of him is perfect and I don't think the game would be anywhere near as compelling without him. 

  2. Its hard to pin point one specific thing I look for, its more of a general feeling of does it look cool and fun.  I like open worlds, RPG elements, and compelling action, so if I see those things I will probably pick it up. Also, if it has a theme/setting of something I am a fan of, like comic book games (Spider-man, Arkham), or Lord of the Rings, something like that, or even just a general fantasy setting that is a plus as well. 



  3. In most games I would say I prefer one-handed, I like to keep my player mobile and have speed in my attacks.  In Skyrim however, heavy armor two handed weapon is my favorite build, once you are high level you are just a tank that crushes most enemies in one or two hits, you can just march in anywhere and lay waste to all those who stand opposed. 

  4. I never was to good at it I'm afraid.  Even with my stealth characters its the one skill I never got very high.  A couple of things you could try: Use potions to increase your skill/chance at success temporarily,  Enchant clothing items with increased pick pocketing (if you can, I think there is an enchantment for this).  Also, if you can find where the person sleeps, sneak into their house at night and pickpocket them while they sleep, this greatly increases your odds.  Good luck. 

  5. I forget her name, but I always liked the priestess who gives you the Azura's star mission, if you do the mission her way she can become a follower and she is a very powerful mage.  Mage companions always complimented me well as I was usually a brawler type. 

  6. Yea I play them, I was getting them annually for awhile but 17 was my last purchase, I still play it a bit.  It is probably the best basketball game out there.  Although I haven't tried NBA Live since they brought it back, but based on videos it doesn't seem that good.  Plus I don't really trust EA for much other than Fifa.

  7. Yea I tend to be a completionist about things.  What really gets me sometimes is the endless collectables in some games. I remember Riddler trophies in the Arkham games being like that, I think the third one had like 200+ or some ridiculous number like that, I never did get them all. 

  8. Yea some people just sprint through the story.  I had a friend who beat Skyrim at like level 18 or something like that, because all they did was story and because of how it levels to you they could get through it.  I find that a waste really, I always take my sweet time and explore everything I can.  Every now and then I will gamefly a game that I want to check out just for the story, I will play those a bit faster so I can mail them back for the next.  But large open world games, I am always taking my time. 

  9. 5 hours ago, Demon_skeith said:

    Myst, it's a deep brain thinking puzzle solving game, its impossible to beat without having a notebook next to you and using half of it to keep track of stuff.

    Good God Myst.  I remember trying to play this as a kid and just getting nowhere.  I don't think I ever beat it.

  10. 5 hours ago, DylanC said:

    Yeah, I loved Shadow of Mordor as well. Was really put off by all the micro transaction shenanigans WB focused on for the sequel so never got around to playing Shadow Of War. May pick it up in a sale down the line. The Nemesis system was awesome.

    If you can get it for cheap it is probably worth it, still a fun game.  And yea the Nemesis system is really cool, definitely a fun concept.  AC Odyssey does something kind of similar with their mercenary system, so its cool to see that system working its way into other games. 

  11. Yea it definitely has to be handled well.  I usually like it in RPGs when it is centered around romances (like in Bioware games or Witcher) because it helps with the immersion and getting into your character.  Also in the original God of War games the sex games were usually pretty funny and I think it fit that game.  I do agree that parents or roommates seem to have a great sense of timing with walking in at just the wrong moment and making it more awkward. 

  12. I don't mind radiant quests, they give people something to do way after everything else is done which I think is better than just running out of missions altogether.  I can see why it bothers completionists though, I also like to keep my mission list as thin as possible so sometimes that aspect is annoying, but it is a minor thing.  I remember the minutemen quests in Fallout 4 being one of the more annoying ones I have seen, but they easy enough to ignore.  If in the future they increase in variability then that would be even better, I have been playing AC Odyssey lately and it actually has some great radiant quests that vary a good bit, delivered both through message boards in towns and just random ppl that pop up on your map occasionally. Also, the Thieves Guild quests do actually have a purpose (somewhat) because if you do enough of them you can trigger an event. 

  13. I have always wanted to try the Yakuza games, they seem to have a dedicated fan base but I have never played one.  Fallout 76 intrigues me as I am also a big fan of the solo games.  But the gameplay I have seen looks a lot like 4 just online, I may wait a bit after release to see more before picking it up.

  14. Probably the original Modern Warfare or MW2 for me.  I have burnt out on CODs in recent years, but those were some of the best FPS campaigns I have ever played.  I was also a big fan of the Crysis games, but I don't know if they really deserve to be ranked among the best FPS games, I just love a good FPS campaign. 

  15. It honestly wouldn't bother me too much. It's only another 20 bucks, and I pay more than that sometimes already if I want a collectors edition, the season pass or something like that.  And as Dylan pointed out its likely an inevitability due to stagnant game costs for years while the level of effort to make them is only increasing.  If it means better, next tier games I am happy to pay for it.    

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