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Joshua Farrell

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Posts posted by Joshua Farrell

  1. Any StarCraft II gamers here? I haven't played this as much as I would like to, as my computer can't handle everything in the game that well, but multiplayer. If you do play, are there any pros that you try to base your play style off of?

  2. What game do you like to play, is considered as a "bad game" (violent, mature related, or whatever) yet you enjoy playing as a guilty pleasure, whenever you are able to?

    Whenever I get the opportunity, I enjoy playing Max Payn for some weird reason. I haven't yet figured it out, but it may be my sadistic inner tendencies that draws me towards the game.

  3. How many of you have games you can play on multiple platfroms, and be able to come back to where you left off on an another device?

    I have a few games I enjoy playing, that I have found that the developers try to run the games and make them work with other platforms. Though I have found a couple of them to be a little slow when moving to a smaller device, as if the developers didn't plan on speed issues between devices.

  4. I have been watching this genre out of vague interest since I actually started using my app store on my phones a number of years ago, and noticed a odd trend; the ever increasing number of "farming" games.

    Any of you play these? Or do you find the trend a little weird?

  5. Are there any games that you consider yourself bad at?

    For me, it would be Mortal Combat. I could never really figure out how to play this game efficiently, even now as an adult, and still beat tough opponents in the game.

  6. If it was a thing that you could potentially do in real life (people have done the absurd before :D ), would you marry a charactor from a game? If so, which charactor would it be?

    I would love to marry Sarah Kerrigan from StarCraft I and II.

  7. Lets say you were given the offer of a life time of a million in cash, but the only way you had to get it, was to give up gaming. WOuld you be up to the challenge of giving up playing your various games, if given the opportunity to advance your life by having that much money?

    It would be pretty hard for me to decide. I know if I were in a hard place, I would take the cash and be willing to give up gaming, but it would be a pretty difficult thing to do.

  8. What genre of games do you like most?

    Out of all the games I have played previously, I generally gravitate more towards the broad Strategy Genre, whether it be against aliens, in the past pitting empires against each other or something more current.

    Whast about you?

  9. Which game did you completely play through the last level recently?

    I believe the last game I played all the way through last, was a run through of the Remastered Edition of StarCraft, to see what was the changes they made in the game. Not a whole lot that I like with the upodate, but having a wide screen to play, made it easier to play through, compared to when the game was originally released.

  10. What rules do you make for yourself, that you insist that you follow? They could be simple rules, like not to drink or eat something. Or they could be things that relate to having friends or any other thing.

  11. Who was your best friend in elementary school?

    For the first half of my grade school, I had an amazing friend who didn't care about the fact that I was held back once. We did everything together. Then when my family moved out of state to a new city, I developed a new friend in elemetary school that we ended up being great friends into high school.

  12. Anyone ever played this game on X-Box previously?

    It is a 3rd person shooter, where you go to various planets in the human lead galaxy to, to quell rebellions and other things of that nature.

    I love that in this game, you have checkpoint stations in the game, where if you had died, your companion player can go to that point and revive you there, and not like other games like Halo, where you will respawn, if the player isn't in combat. It helps force you to think of how to play, without dieing in the middle of play.

  13. Anyone remember playing Commandos? I remember playing the first one years ago, and I loved the fact that sneaking around behind enemy lines to take out a target, was something that you had to figure out how to do without dieing a few dozen times.

    Not sure if there are anyone here who played #2 and #3. If you did, is it a great improvement over the first one?

  14. I am thinking of going to get myself Age of Empires. It has been awhile since I last played it. I have a few old copies of number 2 and the expansions, and was thinking of getting either the most recent release, or the last one with the one released before that. Any thing I should consider, before I get the latest game?

  15. Anyone like Al Yankovic's (Weird Al) wacky music parodies? Most of the stuff he does, I love listening to. A few of my favorite ones he had done over the years, are "I'm Fat", I'm Too White and Nerdy, and the Star Wars one he did, based off of the American Pie song.

  16. Any of you watched this? I wasn't initially going to watch it, but decided to tag along to the movies after a bit of nagging. I'd say that my expectations of it was pretty on the mark. While I like some musical movies, this one wasn't something that I would like to buy, because of the fact that they made the whole story way too dramatic for a animated "musical".

  17. Any of you have previously watched any of the NCIS shows, or are currently watching them?

    I love the original series and how far it is progressing. I have seen bits and pieces of the two spin offs, but I have yet to sit down and just watch more than just a few episodes.

  18. Anyone remember playing this game? When I was younger, I loved this game. It was the first game I had that you could wander a game environment in 3D. I also loved the stupid puns and jokes in the game. I don't think I ever actually finished the game, as I just liked wandering in it.

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