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Joshua Farrell

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Posts posted by Joshua Farrell

  1. What absolutely terrible movie(s) do you love? I love watching the Tremors movies, because of the fact that they are terrible comedic horror movies, that aren't labeled as dedicated horror movies. Tremors is one of those set of movies where it is just something that is really out there, and somehow got into me as one of the best horrible movies ever made.

  2. How does your definition of a "real man" differ from the mainstream stereotype of a "real man"?

    I think that a real man can be both sensitive and firm. I understand that there are certain things that men are supposed to be firm in, but that shouldn't deny the fact that men are also just as human, as women are, and men do need affirmative feelings from people they care about.

  3. What is the most amount of people you had to present something in front of?

    THe most people I ever talked in front of, probably would have to be 400-500 people. The only good part of it, was that I had plenty of time to get the jitters out of me, due to being the last person to present in front of the crowd.

  4. When you were a kid and perhaps even now, what movie would you watch over and over again?

    When I was a kid (even more so now), I would always watch Dudly DoRight, Master of Disguise, Tremors and Star Trek Nemesis.

  5. There are a number of forums out there that have a mascot of some sort. On ProBoards.com, it is a blue bear that shows up, when there is an issue on the host.

    What about you, do you have a mascot on any of your forums? If not, have you ever thought about having one?

  6. Do you like horror movies? Why or why not?

    Generally speaking, I dislike horror mot tv shows and movies that are horror related, but I have found a few shows and movies in the genre that I like. Example, I like the tv show, Supernatural.

  7. Did your family take seasonal vacations while you were younger? Are there any in your family taking seasonal vacations right now?

    My family used to do short vacations usually around times like Spring Break. Also, while I was in elemetary school and jr high, we would take vacations immediately after school ended. Now, we don't do vacations, but we go on trips that take the day to do, like going to places that take a couple hours to go to, spend the day there, and then come back in the evening.

  8. I have one on my computer right now. I use MEmu for android emulation. I tried bluestacks, but learned that my computer either isn't powerful enough, or fast enough to handle it. So I uninstalled it after a week of trying to configure it.

  9. What's the worst thing you ate from a fast food restaurant?

    I actually had a hamburger that the meat wasn't cooked all the way. I didn't realize it, until I already had more than half of the burger. If I had realized it sooner, I probably would have insisted that I got a new burger, and probably wouldn't have had the intestional issues I had within an hour of eating a improperly cooked hamburger patty.

  10. So, for those who don't know what this game is about, it is a zombie based city building game, where you are in control of a settlement that aims to protect itself from the zombie outbreak. It is a multiplayer mobile game, which allows you to play with other people in alliances, and against others who you can attack, or defend against.

    I have been playing this game for probably 6-7 months now, and while I like the idea behind a competitive city building game, I hate the fact that the developers (a chinese company), pushes quite a bit of micro purchases in the game. Infact, the first thing that appears when you open the game, is the most recent promotion to get something, based on the current events of the game, or holiday.

  11. Do you still own, or previously owned any of the Sim City games for the personal computer (PC)?

    I still own SimCity 4, and it's expansion pack. I still play it every now and then, and considered it a good upgrade from both 2000 and 3000 (2 and 3). I never got into SimCity Societies, and the 2013 edition, called "SimCity". I never could wrap my head around the idea of a buggy online multiplayer, and a mix between The Sims, and SimCity.

    I go back to #5, whenever I want the opportunity to just create beautiful landscapes, with the option of figuring out how to include multiple cities in the landscape.

  12. Do any of you own the Master Chief Collection on X-Box? For those who don't know what is in it at this moment, it consists of Halo 1 and 2 anniversary editions, Halo 3, Halo 4, Halo Reach and Halo 3: ODST.

    I bought the collection. I own games 1, 2, 4 and reach on disc, but not the other two. The biggest issue with what I have in disc, is that I have been keeping around older x-boxes to run them. Finally got the x-box one, and purchased the digital copy, and because of it, I feel like I can play the games without issue in the future.

  13. Honestly? I would rather run games on a desktop, over anything else. Desktops generally from past experience are less sluggish when responding to intensive games, than laptops are. If I were to play just basic games, Laptops would be fine for me.

  14. I honestly haven't yet upgraded to the X-Box 1, which I am planning on doing soon. Just on space alone, i would get the X-Box 1X. BUt if it came down to money for games at the same time, I just would go after whatever is the cheapest that can run what I want to play decently.

  15. Well, there are actual jobs where you can earn money to play games, but it usually involves working for the company producing the game, so it is an actual job that you go in and test out games while they update coding, before they release a demo to be tested by the public. I've even heard some companies paying out to third party companies to do a general play base test. The third party ones usually involve you getting everything you need before hand, to actually participate in the third party testing.

    Never heard of anyone paying out in cryptocurrencies, just to play stuff.

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