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Posts posted by killamch89

  1. 6 hours ago, Alyxx said:

    I honestly can't tell the difference between PC and consoles when it comes to graphics these days. The playfield is far more even now than it used to be. Back in the 90's the gap was a lot bigger and you could actually tell the difference more clearly. Nowadays it's just such minor differences like texture quality and lighting effects that unless you look closely you won't be able to tell.

    You must be trolling lol.

  2. Alien Isolation because the game does a good job of scaring the literal crap out of you - the music, the atmosphere, I can't remember ever playing a horror game and hyperventilating. As a matter of fact, I jumped off my bed once while playing this game because the curtain brushed my arm lol.

  3. This brings me back - are we in the '90s again? lol. I think I need to go play my Sega Genesis 🤣. In all seriousness though, how could they even call it a doom clone when the only thing really similar about them was that they are both horror fps games and the shooting mechanics of both games were somewhat similar if I remember correctly(It's been a long time since I have played both games so bear with me.). That is pretty much where the similarities end and quake I believe was way more fast-paced. Excellent review Alyxx.

  4. 20 minutes ago, Keranov said:

    The PC has more realistic and advanced graphics, some games which you can't play on Xbox, more customization and you can use the PC for many other things instead of gaming only. But it also might be more expensive to buy.

    It is cheaper to build but most people don't want to put any effort into creating their own entertainment.

  5. 2 hours ago, mont86 said:

    Respirators and heat resistant suits.. sometimes, but pretty much jeans and cotton shirt.. materials that won't melt to your skin..



    Well, that makes a lot of sense. Have you ever seen someone injured while attending to one of these steam boilers and how severe was it?

  6. 30 minutes ago, mont86 said:

    Yeah I work rotating shifts for many years now and it seems like I just get naps … Gets frustrating not to get a full 6 to 8 hours.

    Sometimes, there may be an underlying issue that is disrupting your sleeping pattern which causes you not to sleep peacefully for the regular 6 to 8 hours. Have you seen a doctor (one that you can trust and not some random one that'll say anything to put you on meds)?

  7. 17 minutes ago, DarthHazard said:

    Do you mean the PlayStation Classic? If so, then I think that it was a massive mistake by them. When they came up with the idea to release this, I'm 100% sure they just wanted to create some extra revenue for the company and didn't care about the nostalgia for us. There were so many mistakes with it and it's nothing like the SNES Mini. The SNES Mini is still highly demanded, whereas the PlayStation Classic has just seen its price slashed to try and increase some sales. Not surprising at all really.

    No, I actually came across this on Sunday and I was like "they had one of these too?" When I googled it, it turns out they released one on December 3. I know Sony is just trying to gain extra revenue, this wasn't done to appease fans.

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