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Posts posted by skyfire

  1. Yeah and the need to go walled garden also exists because that way they reduce the too many phones in one year problems. Apple releases one or two phones the max and their work remains consistent. 

  2. 19 hours ago, Empire said:

    Honestly, I'm convinced the only reason governments haven't figured out how they're gonna deal with this yet is because the whole covid thing started. Not that I'd rather they ignore that to try to fix gambling law, just my thoughts on why it would take this long after investigations started.

    This is more or less consumer court game than govt. A lot of things in our world go through process and govt don't interfere if those standards, bodies and process take care of this. I hope consumer court drags this piece of crap to the knees to be honest. if not then govt needs to step up around the world. 

  3. 22 hours ago, m76 said:

    So yeah, for ND and most game devs in the first world, covid is a convenient excuse for delays, and not something that significantly hinders progress. 

    I respectfully disagree, a lot of software devs in 1st world despite remote work and the WFH have had their share of the delays, if the covid is not the reason, then I don't know what is. 

  4. Yes. I am surprised though 9T is meant to have support for 5G. Considering they are getting close to Note 11 launch in asia soon. I assume from 12 onwards 5G compatibility would be coming by default. 

  5. Sony does have their own app store inside and they ditched the google play in few of the models but that was in past. Now a days they focus on strong body phones that are premium. we never know when they would become apple like in near future. 

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