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Sega Showing Other Developers How It's Done!

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Sega has gone against the trend of exploiting their customers by providing them with lots of quality content in Phantasy Star Online 2. In the upcoming sequel to the game by the same name, you can transfer your original character with all their weapons and gear to the new game and vice versa. Along with that, there are so many things they included - this is a welcomed twist and I hope other gaming companies follow suit. What do you think of this?


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4 hours ago, Reality vs Adventure said:

That sounds cool to be able to transfer the gear and weapons, but does that affect gameplay? Seems it would make the game easy or you have to start on the difficult option.

I'm sure they'd have worked that out somehow. I don't know the exact details but if they took that much time to meticulously work on the other aspects of the game.

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