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Have you ever been on a blind date?

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When I was in high school, I had gone on one due to my friend hooking me up with a secret admirer. When I met her, it turned out to be a girl that was friend with a bunch of girls I used to hang out with but she hardly hung out with us. From what I remember, we went roller skating and we had a blast. That being said, I lucked out because I've heard some blind date horror stories. Have you ever been on a blind date?

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I’m not the dating type. I’m either single or in a relationship. Typically though, I prefer being single. I don’t have to concern myself with anyone else. I made sure long ago that I wouldn’t be able to have kids. I don’t sleep around. I just have no interest in wasting my time being with people. I don’t have that level of tolerance. As I’ve said before, that’s why I keep all relationships with people strictly online.

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23 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

I’m not the dating type. I’m either single or in a relationship. Typically though, I prefer being single. I don’t have to concern myself with anyone else. I made sure long ago that I wouldn’t be able to have kids. I don’t sleep around. I just have no interest in wasting my time being with people. I don’t have that level of tolerance. As I’ve said before, that’s why I keep all relationships with people strictly online.

I don't really go on dates nowadays - I tend to find the whole activity time-consuming and it often feels like an exercise in futility.

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