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Do you think your zodiac sign is accurate for you?

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A thing or two here and there are accurate for me, but the majority is bullshit on my end. Characteristics A, C, D, and F may apply to me while B, E, and G apply to someone else. If you believe in that sort of thing, have fun. But you're not going to convert me into anyone who is afraid of what their horoscope will say today.

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7 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

A thing or two here and there are accurate for me, but the majority is bullshit on my end. Characteristics A, C, D, and F may apply to me while B, E, and G apply to someone else. If you believe in that sort of thing, have fun. But you're not going to convert me into anyone who is afraid of what their horoscope will say today.

It's basically subliminal programming - they put out some BS and if you start believing it, you start to subconsciously act and do things that are on it and then you get the same results as the horoscope and then you'll just go further and further into it until it controls you.

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