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The Blackangel

Adolf Won't Stop Praising The Taliban

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Couldn't have said it any better myself than what ROF did. The republicans are hostile and they will side with any rogue authoritarian and even terrorists over the majority of Americans in the USA. There was a bomb threat in D.C. a few days ago by a trump supporter in a truck, and republican Mo Brooks sympathized with the terrorist. They are also trying to whitewash the Jan 6 attack on the capital. These people don't care about terrorism. Republicans give them aid and comfort. I've already declared that party a terrorist organization. The USA has no law for domestic terrorism and that is why a major political party easily crosses that line. And the scary thing is that if the USA ever did make domestic terrorism laws, republicans will declare liberal protestors as terrorists. They already tried to and failed. But they will try again. They already legalized the murder of protestors in the streets using vehicles as the weapon. And they have already shown new laws against protesting is only for liberals as republicans and police didn't enforce the laws when it was a different group of people. That is selective enforcement. Everything evil n the world, expect from these republicans in the USA. Playing political games can only hold off the inevitable for so long which is the fall of the USA into a second civil war. But democrats have no fight in them. And that is the reason republicans are abusive. So I'm sure we will fall into dictatorship and protestors will get murdered. And genocide will begin. 

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