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Would you rather go on a date with an Physicist or a Politician?

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A Physicist - all the politician is going to do is tell you sweet nothings and make loads of promises they have no intention of fulfilling. On the other hand, I could learn a lot about how gravity and other things work, what mechanics are in motion for a machine to perform a certain function. Do you agree with my choice?

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Definitely the physicist. I would love to have a day with Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson just to pick his brain. He is the most genius man alive since the death of Hawking. I admire him. He has a PhD in astrophysics and me having a love of astronomy, he would be my number one choice.

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On 8/28/2021 at 2:50 PM, The Blackangel said:

Definitely the physicist. I would love to have a day with Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson just to pick his brain. He is the most genius man alive since the death of Hawking. I admire him. He has a PhD in astrophysics and me having a love of astronomy, he would be my number one choice.

To be honest, I'd rather go on a date with a stray dog than a politician because at least it'd be honest about its intentions. 

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11 hours ago, killamch89 said:

To be honest, I'd rather go on a date with a stray dog than a politician because at least it'd be honest about its intentions. 

You would get a lot more intelligent and meaningful dialogue out of a rabid monkey than you would a politician.

Anyone remember W?

"People often misunderestimate me." - That's not a word.
"A lot of our imports come from other countries." - No shit.
"The question that's never asked: Is our children learning." - Depends on what your definition of "is" is.

And you have to think about his attention span too.
"Our economy is... aw look at the kitty."

Do you remember what Tony Blair said in response to 9/11?

Blair - "This heinous incident has brought us to the edge of oblivion, but our civilization shall endure."
W - "Shit, I can't even spell that."


So for your own sanity you would be better off picking ANYTHING other than a politician.

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12 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

You would get a lot more intelligent and meaningful dialogue out of a rabid monkey than you would a politician.

Anyone remember W?

"People often misunderestimate me." - That's not a word.
"A lot of our imports come from other countries." - No shit.
"The question that's never asked: Is our children learning." - Depends on what your definition of "is" is.

And you have to think about his attention span too.
"Our economy is... aw look at the kitty."

Do you remember what Tony Blair said in response to 9/11?

Blair - "This heinous incident has brought us to the edge of oblivion, but our civilization shall endure."
W - "Shit, I can't even spell that."


So for your own sanity you would be better off picking ANYTHING other than a politician.

Pathological lying and lack of accountability is their key traits and they love to shift the goalpost constantly. 

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