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Would You Rather Be Stuck For Two Weeks In A Psychiatric Hospital Or At The Airport?

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What's the difference? People are about to snap in either place and either take psyche meds or skipped their dose. You are looked at as a terrorist at an airport; females are frisked with special attention; the person next to you will try to stab you and hijack the plane if you ask them to wear a mask. The airport is not sane in any way. Then you get on the plane and they calmly explain how to use a float device and oxygen masks in case of a crash. A very sane place to be if I say so. NOT!!!

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6 hours ago, Reality vs Adventure said:

What's the difference? People are about to snap in either place and either take psyche meds or skipped their dose. You are looked at as a terrorist at an airport; females are frisked with special attention; the person next to you will try to stab you and hijack the plane if you ask them to wear a mask. The airport is not sane in any way. Then you get on the plane and they calmly explain how to use a float device and oxygen masks in case of a crash. A very sane place to be if I say so. NOT!!!

The airport is the basis on which we can get from one part of the world to another in 1-2 days max. Without it, we'd have to go by sea which has its own set of horrors and takes weeks.

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