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Sony Interactive Entertainment to Acquire Valkyrie Entertainment

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Well cool, looks like Sony is trying to make more acquisitions of studios like Microsoft has been as of late. For those wondering who Valkyrie Entertainment is, they are a studio that seems to help other studios produce games. I see they have helped with Halo Infinite, but also helped with God of War production. So, they don't really have their own games from what I can see, they just help produce others. 

I think this is a good buy for them. I'm guessing they will be focussing more on the new God of War going forward, as it seems they have worked on that. We'll see how that turns out. 

You can read about this news here - https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20211210005455/en/Sony-Interactive-Entertainment-to-Acquire-Valkyrie-Entertainment

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It looks like outsourcing firm, so my speculation turns true. More you attack these brands, they will acquire the outsourcing firms and then release the final output as needed this way the game companies wont get under fire for controversial issues in same nation. 

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