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The Blackangel

"Recovering Bigot" Holds Sign Apologizing At PRIDE Parade

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People can change. Question is, what does it take? Do you have to save their life? Do they need a near death experience? Do they need fear of prison? Do they need fear of losing something? Do they need humiliation? Do they need defeat? Do they need to surrender in war? Is it education? Love and family? Soberness? Do they need to move away and relocate somewhere else? Do they need to cut all ties? An intervention? Take their money and power? Do they need a mental health checkup? A medical checkup? 

How do you get a bigot to separate from their peers? That's the problem. Those people live in closed bubble tight knit communities, thinking alike, looking alike, believing alike, with constant bombardment of hate they are influenced by and that hate only grows, back and forth, and everyone they come into contact with. That is their society. A morally broken society which they can't even see the difference between sanity and insanity, fact and fiction. Conspiracy and paranoia is their water. Religious and anti government extremism is their food. Hate is their reproduction. And every one of their children born will be indoctrinated as a bigot as they are dunked under water baptized into a life of hate and ignorance. They never even had a chance to think for themselves. Just a lifetime of whispers in their ears telling them that everyone else that doesn't look like you, or believe what you do, or do what you do, is your enemy. 


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