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Do you get any fun or humor from bad & horrible games?

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We've all played our shares of bad to horrible games. Some so bad that they can be quite funny. Look at those recent releases, like Gollum or that Walking Dead game that came out recently. They were awful, overpriced games, but the quality of them was also kind of funny. Well for as long as you wanted to put up with them, because I think the joke wears thin when you attempt to complete any of those games. 

So my question is this, are there any bad, horrible or downright awful video games that you actually like for any reason? Maybe it's what I mentioned above, about the games being so bad they're good, Or I should say, so bad they're funny. Or maybe it's a game that's considered horrible, but you enjoyed it as a kid because it was that only game you rented for the weekend. Or it could be that you have a memory surrounding a game, where you played with friends for hours making fun of how bad it was. 

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I enjoy Sonic 06 and many people claim it to be the worse Sonic game. (Though I beg to differ, Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric was way worse.) I think Bubsy is funny and annoying at the same time since he's constantly talking and I like his stupid pun "What could pawsibly go wrong?" Heck I even enjoyed Mighty No. 9 a bit too, even though it really should have been better.

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For me, if a video game is known to be bad, horrible and downright awful by all means, I doubt that I would be willing to play the game. The only reason I would be interested in playing such a game would be if it's a game that I've been anticipating to play for a long time. It was just like my experience with playing KH3, it was definitely bad and I never liked or enjoyed anything in it. 

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