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Ravenfreak last won the day on July 24

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  1. I try my hardest to just focus on one game at a time, but most of the time I will pick up a game then put it down and pick up another. Honestly this is why I have such a huge backlog of games and I even own games I've never played in my collection. Right now I'm trying to just focus on beating Doom 64 before I pick up another game.
  2. Once games go all digital, I'm done with modern gaming. I will only get new Sonic and Pokemon titles as they're my favorite gaming franchises. I know it happened with PC games already, but that's one of the reasons why I'm more of a console gamer. I prefer physical copies, not only do they look great on a shelf you actually own those games as well so if they ever get delisted you can just easily pop them into your disc drive and play them! Xbox will definitely be going all digital after this generation I can see that.
  3. I'm curious to hear how you all beat the heat. It's currently the summertime here in the Northern Hemisphere and with August fast approaching, it can get super hot where I live in this month. If I have to go outside, I try to stay in the shade or go swimming. However when I'm at home I stay inside most of the time but I work in a hot factory unfortunately and it gets super hot in the building. Plus I work in a area that welds parts so it gets even hotter. I just keep hydrated and stay in a fan as much as I possibly can to cool off.
  4. I still want to get a copy of Sonic Free Riders. I have a Kinect, I got it with my Xbox 360 E I bought a few years ago. I've never played this game and being a die hard Sonic fan I would love to own every game I possibly can in the franchise. Also I've seen ghost hunters use the Kinect camera to pick up abnormalities.
  5. I've done this with Teen Titans. I still would love to own the original Xbox version of the game, but I have the Gamecube and PS2 versions. They're virtually identical except for the fact that the PS2 graphics aren't as good as the Gamecube nor the Xbox versions. Teen Titans is my favorite animated series and I think it'd be cool to own all the console and handheld games. I still need to replace my copy of the sequel for the GBA as well... Also with Spyro Year of the Dragon, you need to get the greatest hits version of the game to be able to play the game in full. I believe there's a game breaking bug in the non greatest hits version and same with Turok Rage Wars on the N64. If you have the black cartridge version of that game, you can't beat it. I unfortunately have this version so I'll never be able to beat the game...
  6. Remember back in the day when electronics had transparent shells so you could look at the internals of a gadget? I miss those days, now you can still get third party controllers for game consoles that have clear shells which is super cool. You can get third party shells for certain consoles too like the Switch so you can relive the glory days of when electronic shells looked cool. I hate that most things are just boring solid colors these days. I know prisons have clear electronics but that's to make sure the prisoners aren't smuggling in things lol.
  7. I'm a terrible sore loser. I've always been since I was a kid, and I was way worse back then though. I used to throw game pieces if I lost a board game, and I almost broke game controllers as a kid too. I'm not as bad as I was, but I still hate losing. It's something I probably should work on, but I don't know if I ever will to be honest with you.
  8. Are you a fan of listening to music in reverse? I always find reversed music to be amusing, back when I first opened my Youtube channel I would reverse different songs and upload them. Some artists intentionally would say words in reverse so when you'd reverse the track their lyrics would make sense. For example in ELO's Fire on High, they have a voice clip that says "The Music is reversible, but time isn't. Turn back, turn back!" in reverse so when you play the song normally it doesn't make sense. Other songs just sound like they have subliminal messages, but our brains try to piece words together to make it coherent.
  9. Many people hack their older Xbox consoles so they can run emulators on them. Heck you can run your current Series X/S in dev mode and get access to Retroarch. Back in the day though, you had to install either a mod chip on your Xbox 360 or hacks on your original Xbox hard drive. I have a modded original Xbox that I got from a co worker years ago. I've been thinking about opening up the console, giving it a good clean and getting a new hard drive and installing a newer mod on it though. Once I get some better soldering skills, I want to get a 360 and mod it. I have a 360 E but I don't think I can mod my model. Do you have a hacked Xbox?
  10. I hate escort missions! I remember getting so frustrated at the escort mission in Spyro 2 Ripto's Rage where you have to escort the alchemist in Fractured Hills to free Hunter. I almost broke a controller once as a kid since I kept messing up over and over again. As for my favorite mission type, I like treasure hunting ones. For example I love the mission in Spyro 2 where you need to collect a few items for the professor in order to collect all the orbs in the level. I can't recall the name of the level though lol.
  11. To be fair I've never been to either one. However I would rather go to the mountains instead of the beach since I love the cold way more than the heat. Plus I would be afraid that I would step on a jellyfish lol. I'm not sure it's one of my fears but it is. :V
  12. I'm sure most people here have a OEM hard drive in your 360. There were a few models that came out with no hard drive, so there's a chance you might have a third party hard drive in your console if you bought it second hand. I bought a 360 E about a year ago on Ebay and it was supposed to come with a hard drive, but it didn't and I unfortunately didn't notice until it was too late to appeal. Anyways I got around to getting a third party hard drive for my console. You can't play original Xbox games on a 360 with a third party hard drive since they lack the emulator used to run original Xbox games. That's fine for me at least since I have an original Xbox anyways. Does your Xbox 360 have an OEM hard drive or does it have a third party one?
  13. I haven't had this issue happen to me on my Xbox 360. I have had this issue on a PS2 however. Take a look at the disc first, if it's full of scratches you should get it resurfaced and this most likely would fix the problem. If the game looks decent, try other games and if you run into the same problem the laser could be going out. Sometimes a simple cleaning can fix disc read issues too!
  14. If given the choice, would you rather travel to your destination by train or would you rather just drive there? My wife and I will be going to Chicago in October and we haven't decided on if we'll be using Amtrak to travel to Chicago or just drive. It's only 4 and a half hours away from us via driving, but it would be faster to just take a train to Chicago and I've never traveled by train before. Plus I always wanted to see the scenic route and you get to see things you normally wouldn't see while driving if you take a train.
  15. One of my favorite things to do is listen to deconstructed music. It's really cool to see each individual instrument used to make up a complete song. It's easier to listen to deconstructed video game music, especially if it's chiptune music. In some cases people have done research to figure out the instruments used to make up redbook audio soundtracks like Sonic CD for the Mega CD. Do you like listening to deconstructed music? Here's a deconstruction of my personal favorite track from the entire Mega Man franchise, Wily Stage 2 from the Sega Saturn version of the game. Channel 607EC is my favorite part of the entire track btw.
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