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Thread for sharing research studies on video games

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I thought I'd start a thread for sharing research studies and academic articles pertaining to video games, for those who are interested in the academic side of things.

Today I read this article about a study using transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS) while playing violent video games. The article reports, "Overall, the results show that in violent video game players cortical stimulation over the rVLPFC reduced unprovoked aggression. The findings suggest that by controlling the activity in an area of the brain crucial for regulating negative feelings and impulsive behavior, the link between playing violent video games and aggressive behavior can be broken down."

This seems to imply to me that poor emotional self-regulation as well as high levels of impulsiveness are the perception/behaviour-modifying factors which cause some people to be adversely influenced by video games (and other content, I suspect), but not others.

This would seem to be useful guidance for parents making decisions about whether to let their kids play violent games. Those who are extra-impulsive and/or poorly self-regulated perhaps should be kept from playing them until they are able to control their emotions and impulses better, but those who are well-regulated in this regard should be able to play violent video games without exhibiting aggression IRL.

Any thoughts or studies you want to share on this or other video game related topics?

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