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ES Oblivion hotkeys PS3 help?

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I know there is a way to set up hot keys on Elder Scrolls Oblivion, but when I click the button that is supposed to make it possible, it isn’t at all clear what to do next. It shows me a sort of radial wheel thingy, but I have yet to click a button that actually does anything.

Does anyone know how to assign the hot keys? It is so annoying having to scroll around through the menu screens every single time I want to switch spells, especially since in this game one seems to have to heal oneself almost constantly.


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When on the menu highlight the item (whether it be a weapon, spell, potion or whatever) you want to hotkey and hit the button.  When you see the radial wheel use the D-Pad to highlight one of the positions and select it.  You can then epuip or use that item aby time by hitting the same position on the D-Pad during gameplay.

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