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The Blackangel

Psychotic Reddits

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I found one today that I had to have lost IQ points from just reading 4 posts on. It's r/giraffesdontexist for the curious. Yes that's right. Giraffes Don't Exist. They're right up there with flat earthers on this one. I actually had to read the title of the sub 8 times to make sure I didn't need to get checked for dyslexia. And their reasoning for why giraffes aren't real, is pretty convincing......

That they're off their damn meds. I'm the one on anti-psychotics, but I think these people need them more than I do.


Has anyone else found any disheartening subreddits? I'm talking about the kind that would make you lose any faith in humanity that you had left.

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Where do I begin? the flat earthers reddit - At this point, I often wonder why do I continue to be apart of this society. After all the evidence provided, you're going to say that it's the aliens that are brainwashing us and the earth is really flat?! 

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