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Knight Plug

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Knight Plug last won the day on August 7

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  1. My sister had her daughter (her fourth child) on Friday, the 23rd. Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of her solicitor, social workers put her baby into foster care the following Monday afternoon. They enjoy making up lies, mucking people about, and they also caused our late mum to be stressed out. But what can you do when they call the shots? 🥴 It's all pretty meh. They did the same thing with her son in 2022, and her two previous sons. Her second ex partner is a "player" and just drinks and arses about. He even admitted he put their son up for adoption, yet my sister ran back to him. Poorly played. I wouldn't wanna date a person if they were being abusive to me, telling lies, seeing other women, and so on. I'd take off, my dignity intact, but my heart shattered.
  2. He had been going to feature in the series called Infinite Darkness, before they selected Leon. That's probably because Leon is in all the animated stuff so far. I'm hopeful he'll be back someday. Billy never did spill the beans to Rebecca about what really happened in Africa. So that's why I think he needs to return. I also wonder about Nicholai. There's that alternate path where Jill can spare him, so he flies off. It would be nice if Capcom could develop a mini site or something, dedicated to revealing small things that need cleared up, like if they aren't willing to do a game to cover everything. You know? A website of canonical fiction would be fine. Then it would at least be put to rest, since even Capcom has been too lazy to return to certain plot aspects. Or maybe it's just that they prefer to stick to the characters that make them the big dough, like Leon and Chris.
  3. I like to go for a walk. It is getting a bit chilly at night, so by the autumn, I will probably just be going to local stores. It does your nut in being indoors all the time, so I go out and listen to YouTubers talking about games. Or I pop on some music. 🙂
  4. I've never played God Hand, but it's a pity Shinji has gave up on survival horror gaming. No doubt for good this time. I guess being a proper gentleman, he doesn't want to have too much of a go at Capcom for turning the Resident Evil series he created into complete horse manure, since 2009 or so. But then of course, Tango Gameworks went bust thanks to Microsoft laying off their subsidaries, so fans of The Evil Within games were left disappointed recently as well. So maybe he has just had enough of the shift in gaming today. And that's understandable. 🤤
  5. Twice as long? Do share more. The original could be completed in under 5 hours. So I think Bloober Team deserves more appreciation. 😋 https://www.eurogamer.net/it-will-take-more-than-20-hours-for-silent-hill-2-remake-completionists-to-find-everything-hidden-for-you https://kotaku.com/silent-hill-2-remake-how-long-to-beat-hours-length-1851629545
  6. So if a guest comes around to stay the night, who gets the futon and who gets the bed? 😋
  7. This dude knows his stuff. 😎
  8. Historically, it would be a shame to close cinemas and only have records for home media and streaming. As somebody who has nearly every top ten horror film since Variery started coverage in March of 1922, I know I'd dislike theaters going bye-bye.
  9. He did change my name, after I promised him it will be the last time. But yeah. In general, the forum is not very active. A lot of forums online are pretty much the same way now, unfortunately. It kind of sucks that I got banned on NeoGAF. It's always active there, and I'm being serious. Threads there have actual participation. It's just a pity arseholes run that forum. Like a lot of similar gaming and media forums, they are dogs.
  10. Take my / our money. Yes? No? 🤑 🤔 How do you feel about all of this so far? To me, it is looking very faithful. It's a remake, so I can see why the characters got changed (but Eddie is very overweight). I guess nobody can look like they were in the original exactly to the letter with how games are made nowadays. But I reckon people will still take jabs at Bloober Team and Konami regardless, and make pachinko jokes and memes again. It's just so telling. 😝
  11. Alex Wesker gets my top pick on who I want to return. 👱‍♀️
  12. No. But I did hear the rain lashing down earlier. And I need my morning iced coffee. 🌧 😬 Ooh.
  13. I didn't feel like making a thread about it, so I assumed this was a just a 'general thoughts' type of thread. But I see that a lot on YouTube. Smarmy individuals acting like Google and strangers online need to absolutely hear what whining they have to say. And it's one big power trip. So when some random guy caims to be the 'King of Content', it sounds so untrue.
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