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Everything posted by Yarik

  1. Yarik

    Last Game Played

    I have played Clash of Clans on my phone. Made 2 Loonion attacks with my fairly new Town Hall 9 account and got some upgrades going on.
  2. I remember once I was playing my favourite MMORPG for around 18 hours the same day. I don't find anything wrong with that when you have nothing else to do and just want to have fun.
  3. Yarik


    I actually don't like Fortnite and because of that I never have played it. I find the building element and the cartoon graphics not a good fit for the battle royale genre.
  4. I never have purchased any game merchandise. The main reason for this is probably that I find it expensive for me. At least, for the specific merchandise I want to buy.
  5. I have heard a lot about this game and when I looked into it, I actually liked it. I might try it soon and see how is it indeed.
  6. You always can put your items in the Steam Community Market at a price you want but it should be a reasonable one. Also, there is a tax when you put an item there. Valve is getting a small amount of the money.
  7. In some missions in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 the vehicles are very useful. Chasing a target, getting away from the enemies, shooting them and much more.
  8. Once, I got matched with very weak teammates and 2 of them were also trolling. At one moment, I couldn't handle my rage and just shoot them and got a competitive cooldown in Counter Strike: Global Offensive.
  9. Having a look at your computer specs you shouldn't have any problems playing Fallout 4. Actually, you should be able to play it on high settings smoothly.
  10. Based on the day of the week - mostly during the mornings and night until 3:00 AM. At weekends I spend 99% of my time online watching videos or playing video games.
  11. I don't like to eat at night when I'm playing video games. I don't think that I ever have taken anything to eat when I game at night.
  12. Yarik

    Last Game Played

    Counter Strike: Global Offensive. Found some new friends while playing competitive but also lost a lot of matches. I guess bad luck these days.
  13. I just installed Ring of Elysium today to try it. I have read that people say it's better than PUBG and I think it is. The best part of the video game is that it's free to play and offers you the same experience as PUBG which costs 30 euro.
  14. I don't think that there is such a thing like violence in a video game. Yes, you kill people there, smash them with your car but that's just a video game. I'm sure that you won't do it in real life.
  15. I still enjoy Euro Truck Simulator 2 which was released in 2012. It's quite fun for me to play it as it's just fun to. You can play with mods, online or just stick to the classic version.
  16. Made me felt sad for the character - maybe, kinda... Ever made me to cry? No. It's just a video game and I don't think something like that will ever happen.
  17. Well, if people play 50 hours straight without a stop I don't think that is because of the game itself. They should be having other mental issue and gaming is the way they show it.
  18. I learned English from a MMORPG which I was playing back at 2010 or 2011 and a bit Russian from CS:GO. Also, I developed very good management skills and amazing reflexes. I also don't have problems with stress and that are only a few things from the list.
  19. My favourite first person shooter video game is Counter Strike: Global Offensive. It has all I want - matchmaking system, community servers, good gameplay and you can play it as much as you want to.
  20. I have played a game called Throw Money on my mobile phone. It was all about just throwing money using your finger. I was wondering what I was doing with my life...
  21. I would vote for all of The Walking Dead video games. They have an amazing story but at the same time very sad. Anyway, these ones are very good games with one of the best stories in my opinion.
  22. I don't think that the Facebook's gaming hub is a thing for me. I use Twitch to watch streams and most of people who I follow are streaming there.
  23. I learned a lot of things about the First and Second World War and about war in general from the Making History video games. Also, I think that I developed better ruling and management skills from playing that game.
  24. I'm not quite sure but I'm going to vote for Grand Theft Auto V. At the time when it was released it had a lot of different innovations like graphics, psychics, etc.
  25. Dead by Daylight as a survivor. I don't like the feeling of being trapped with a killer in a place where he could appear in front of you in any second and hit you.
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