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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. I am amazed consistently at how helpful our members are. I can think of multiple times I have asked questions about games and folks here have gone above and beyond with sharing their experiences or even researching answers to troubleshoot. So, I just wanted to say thanks to y’all for being so awesome 🙂
  2. Does anyone else notice an impressive number of typos in video game load screens and/or content?
  3. When you look up typical completion times for various games, are you fast, slow, or average? I am super slow.
  4. I like games that are dripping with ambiance. What are some atmospheric games I may not have heard of?
  5. Even on three playthroughs, I still haven’t found a way through the hard room in the office building near the start of TLOU other than shooting the clicker from across the room and then meleeing the rest. Has anyone found a better way?
  6. On average, how much easier do you find fights on your second playthrough of a game at the same difficulty level?
  7. Dawnguard may be the buggiest Bethesda experience I’ve ever had. Is there a reason for this? Did they rush this DLC out?
  8. I went to try and get radiant quests from the vampires in the Dawnguard DLC for the first time, and no matter how many times I reload, all they offer is “The Gift.” Is there a way around this on PS3?
  9. @killamch89 and @m76 have mentioned being annoyed when a game tries to force them down a particular path. What are some games that do this?
  10. Is anyone else like completely obsessed with trying to get to hard-to-reach places on maps, especially if the devs didn’t intend it?
  11. @m76 mentioned being more open to non-realism in open world games than in other types of games. I notice I feel the same way. It made me curious, does realism matter more or less to others with respect to different genres, or about the same across the board?
  12. example, in ES: Oblivion, the ability to make custom spells at the college feels like this. I mean, I made a spell to instantly max dispositions, and another to light myself on fire to level destruction, and another to corrode my armor so I can repair it and level armorer, etc.
  13. Does anyone else regularly find themselves watching a TV show or a movie and thinking, “This would make such a great FPS map?” What are some examples? Of course, now while I’m thinking about this, I can’t come up with any, but I just know this thought passes through my head sometimes.
  14. What are the most crushing character deaths in video games for you? I’m going to go with both of the key deaths in BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea.
  15. If you could find the perfect MMO tailored to your wishes, what would it be like?
  16. Do you ever sacrifice the chance to complete a quest or string of quests just to do something you want or feel is right, like kill a particular character or refuse to comply with a particular demand?
  17. How far will you go to complete a quest if it glitches? How many days of effort? How many steps? How many reloads? How many workarounds before you give up?
  18. I’m using destruction and repair hammers to level up the armorer skill in Oblivion right now, but it is taking soooo looong. Any alternate suggestions?
  19. Does anyone else get frustrated with characters marked as essential in Bethesda games? I get doing it temporarily until certain quests are finished, but some never lose that status, and I just want to kill them so badly (*cough*Delphine). Plus, sometimes I don’t care about the quest. I just want to kill so-and-so.
  20. What is a game you have been wanting to replay, but just haven’t gotten around to? For me, it is Fallout 3.
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