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Everything posted by StaceyPowers

  1. I’ve always noticed a fairly large chunk of BioShock fans who hate BioShock Infinite. The main complaints I hear are 1-confusing or random story (I didn’t think it terribly confusing, and not at all random), 2-lack of player agency (compelled by storyline), and 3-repetitious action (perhaps I agree, though it didn’t seem all that much more so to me than most games). I feel like there must be some other unspoken reason for all the hate. Anyone know what it is?
  2. Are there any games or franchises that have been exclusively on PC in the past that you want to see make their way to console in one form or another?
  3. Are there any situations in video games that make no logical sense to you and which you find funny (or alternately, annoying)?
  4. For those who play JRPGs, what are your favorites? I am so unfamiliar with the genre.
  5. When you are playing a game like Skyrim or Fallout featuring an open world, do you like to be able to have the option of scrambling up and over any surface (i.e. a cliff face), however unrealistic, or do you prefer the game stop you completely (like Fallout NV does)? I think I prefer the climbing, just because I like trying to get to hard-to-reach places on maps. But I can understand the argument the other way.
  6. Who here plays or has played Fortnite?
  7. What do you think about the idea of setting an Elder Scrolls game somewhere other than Tamriel? What continent would you be most curious to explore?
  8. How often do you make the infuriating (and sometimes devastating) mistake of saving over your old saves by mistake when you meant to load a save?
  9. What's really weird is they didn't put Orbb in it!
  10. What is the most efficient strategy you have used to tackle the deathclaw quarry in Fallout NV? And what is the most interesting (but not necessarily efficient) method you have used?
  11. What kinds of speakers or headphones do you use for gaming? How much are you willing to invest in high quality audio?
  12. Are there any games you look forward so much to playing or watching that you literally work more efficiently/faster to get around to them each night? For me, TLOU is the biggest motivator.
  13. I also tend to be distrustful of these words. I think the message I'm looking for is something closer to "You're safe with me," but those words would also not feel safe. Perhaps if a lucid explanation followed as to why I was safe, that would work. I am autistic, lol. Focusing on small objects in my environment tends to help a bit as a "grounding" technique. Too distant to seem "real." Potentially immersive, yes. Maybe "real, but not for me"? Like tuning into a signal about things happening to people in other places and times. That's amazing, but doesn't put me "in" an environment. It's the sensory world I'm trying to connect with. But as expectations are low while reading a book, I don't tend to get an upsetting sense of de-realization while doing it. I mean, if nothing else, I'm less focused on this physical world feeling distant, and again, not expecting the book world to immerse me fully in a 3-dimensional universe. So I tend to be pleased with how effective it actually is.
  14. Do video games ever feel more “real” to you than RL? I have regular de-realization (it’s a dissociative thing) where I sometimes feel like I am a long way away, looking at the world from the other side of an invisible glass wall. But that usually goes away while gaming. So ironically, the game world (which is on the other side of a screen) sometimes feels more real to me than the real one.
  15. What are some small/quiet moments in video games that stuck with you? For example, in BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea (****SPOILERS FOLLOW****) ... I always think of Elizabeth telling her projection of Booker that he was her only friend after riding an elevator past another lift with a past version of them in it. That moment is so crushing to me. Like … there in the original elevator, thinking they were just at the start of things, their fate was already sealed, and so close at hand. The other Elizabeth who knew how it all ended was there looking back at them and lamenting what was lost.
  16. I don’t think we have a topic on here about side-scrollers/2D games. This is a genre I don’t know much about, especially in terms of modern games. What are your favorite side-scrollers?
  17. Does anyone here play Quake Champions? I’ve always been curious how it is, as a fan of Q3A.
  18. Did anyone else here play old Infocom games on PC back in the day? I still miss those text adventures and their product packaging.
  19. For those who play MMOs or MUDs or so forth, do you prefer that RP be enforced, not enforced, or strongly encouraged? I usually prefer “Strongly encouraged.”
  20. Has anyone here ever been an administrator in any sort of digital game?
  21. Anyone here have HDMI switches as part of your gaming setup? If so, what products do you recommend?
  22. Does anyone here do speedrunning? What are some of your fastest times?
  23. Last night, I was really peeved to find that a dungeon I’d cleared in Skyrim had totally reset, and with it, the elevator to Blackreach I’d unlocked was re-locked. Who else hates it when games take away progress for no real reason?
  24. When you are not playing your favorite game, do you interact with it in any other way? Reading books associated with it, dusting off action figures, hanging posters, etc.?
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