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Posts posted by Syntax

  1. Sounds like the hard drive gave out sadly, I’ve never had that problem since when I got my PS4 I just popped it open and added a bigger drive in there. The same happens with other consoles and PCs, but at least it’s super easy to replace it on your own and legit takes only a few minutes, a USB, and the understanding that a majority of your saved game data is gone unless you have PS Uploads enabled. 

  2. On 4/8/2020 at 9:10 AM, Roboticist said:

    I'd definitely want a sequel to Bully which most likely won't happen but I only can dream..

    Oh man I wish this was remastered. I know it’s on the app stores, and some people have tried to make a clone of the city and people on GTA V - but this game brings back so many memories. 

  3. I mostly try out PvP unless the world is so far ahead that it puts me at a disadvantage by being PvP as a fresh start (ex; SOME ark worlds/servers as an example). 

  4. Better graphics, bigger range of vision.


    I know that the PS5 VR headsets were rumored to have like air vents to blow air on your eyes or so. I think it’s just that hard balance of what adds to gameplay and what becomes so stupidly annoying that it makes you not want to use the headset again.

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