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Posts posted by Syntax

  1. I remember seeing my sister play the pet game for the DS, the most pet related game I got was really just playing Sims with the pet expansion pack (or zoo tycoon).

  2. I loved Twisted Metal. The remaster or remake they did for PS3 SUCKED. I definitely wish they did it right as it would have taken off like no other. 

    wonder if they will ever reuse the IP or not though now

  3. I used to have a steering wheel and pedals for a nascar game I played - although I stopped using them a long time ago.


    thought about buying a joystick to okay Ace Combat in my PS4, but it’s a tad too pricey for just one game that can use it so far as well 

  4. I also keep seeing it as a sponsor to many channels - but I feel like a majority of the time a game is heavily sponsored like this is tends to have heavy micro transactions which kinda suck.

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