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Posts posted by Demon_skeith

  1. On 8/29/2018 at 3:53 AM, realgamez said:

    Without this discount, people should hopefully start to relies that pre-ordering games is a really stupid idea. Pre-ordering games is stupid for a variety of reason, including;

    1. Games often go on sale within months of launch, mean you can often get a better deal by waiting.
    2. If you pre-order, you don’t know how good the game is as there are no reviews.
    3. By pre-ordering, you are telling game developers that you will buy their game no matter how well it is made.


    I kind of agree with point 3, but sometimes you also need to show that you do support what they are doing by pre-ordering. Like the upcoming Spyro game, I know its well made and deserves the money.

  2. 10 hours ago, o-o said:

    Wouldn't recommend it if you already have the previous style. But it looks better and its weigh if lower.

    I would also add they tend to fit better due to their small and sleek design.

  3. 21 hours ago, DylanC said:

    An integrated handheld (like Switch) would be a nice idea, but not super realistic. Really, I think Sony should just double down on power like they did with the PS4. Perhaps have some kind of backwards compatibility with PS4. Way faster load times, boot up times. 16 GB RAM minimum. Honestly, I think they should avoid spreading themselves too thin with VR augmented reality. That said, they're still lucrative markets, I just think they should focus on their strength: hardware.


    They need to cave and make backwards compatibility for PS3 and PS4 a thing. I know its not a huge money maker but it keeps people on their Playstation system.

  4. 17 hours ago, MegaphoneStallone said:

    I'm pretty sure Zelda is a staple.

    Just imagine the backlash if they tried to do this without Zelda.

    I would understand the backlash, but you can get the game on a number of other different systems.


  5. 3 hours ago, MegaphoneStallone said:

    Mind controls should never be a thing.

    Imagine the data mining that would come with companies having even basic access to our minds.

    No thank you. Let's just hope medicine just advances to the point Carpal Tunnel (among other things) is about as bad as a headache that lasts an hour or so.


    I have not got carpel tunnel, and probably don't game enough for it to even happen...Typing however.


    Next best thing I suppose, like replacing my entire arm with a robot arm.

  6. 17 hours ago, Joant73 said:

    Good God Myst.  I remember trying to play this as a kid and just getting nowhere.  I don't think I ever beat it.

    Me and a friend attempted to beat it once, but we just ended up with headaches and gave up. I watched some youtube gameplays, its an interesting game, if you know how to work it.

  7. 8 hours ago, MegaphoneStallone said:

    I've got to wonder though, how costly it would be to get around said licensing issues.

    I mean, if they want to go 'all in' on this console and do it right surely there'd have to be some content like this put in.

    I know Nintendo no longer own Banjo-Kazooie either, but it'd be cool to have that as well.

    To go around it would mean a lot of $$$$ and that is more they will most likely give up than get back.

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