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Posts posted by killamch89

  1. On 12/12/2018 at 6:16 AM, xXInfectedXx said:

    How do you decide on an video game? Trailers, Reviews, or simply just by trying it out to see whether you would enjoy it? Apps which have a monetary value to them, I'll watch and read trailers, reviews and gameplays to make an informed decision as I don't want to be wasting my hard earned cash. On the otherhand, if the video game is free, I'll try it out and see whether it's right for me. 

    Just like you I'll watch reviews and do my research on any game before I make a purchase but when it comes to mobile games...I just go with my instinct and try and if I like it, I'll keep playing it.

  2. I spend a decent amount on my cell phone because I use it for a lot of things and I need things like taking quick pictures, video conferencing and other stuff I can't remember off the top of my head. The most I've ever spent and will be willing to spend on a smartphone is $600 US and it was for my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge which has served me well for the last 2 and 1/2 years. I will be upgrading soon but I'm not interested in the S10 at all - I want the note 9 but waiting for the price to drop below $600 dollars before I buy one.

  3. I tried the game when it first came out and it was pretty decent but the walking around looking for Pokemon turned me off because I don't have much time to do that.

  4. On 11/19/2018 at 2:26 PM, DylanC said:

    I'd love to see Xbox do a handheld but I'm probably in the minority (I adore handhelds). I can't see MS doing it, though. I think they're gonna be doubling down on the next Xbox (Scarlet is the codename, right?) But, yeah, if they released an Xbox handheld, I'd probably get one.

    I agree with what you said regarding Microsoft not going through with it because they'll be focusing on the new Xbox. In addition to that, releasing a handheld console is not very feasible since they'd have to concentrate a huge amount of resources and effort into marketing it and most people nowadays are not really keen on carrying around a handheld device just for gaming especially if that's all it is capable of.

  5. 1 hour ago, StaceyPowers said:

    An awesome, detailed response 🙂

    Your welcome. His story always touched me because it was, in the final battle of the original Metal Gear Solid, he redeemed himself by sacrificing himself to help the protagonist Solid Snake to defeat Metal Gear Rex. Raiden, one of the protagonists of the Metal Gear franchise went through a similar experience but he learned to overcome his demons and contribute to the welfare of the human race. Gray Fox never got a chance to ever choose how he wanted to live his life - Instead he was a pawn up until the final moments of his life.

  6. On 12/18/2018 at 8:40 AM, xXInfectedXx said:

    Do you prefer to play single or multi-player PC Games? I've chosen multi-player. I think working as an team is more exciting and will give more fun and enjoyment because of the interaction.


    I agree with that sentiment because there are always some hilarious events that happen in multi-player games like a whole town of in-game players choreographing a dance routine spontaneously.

  7. 10 minutes ago, Alyxx said:

    I have extreme doubts they would literally do that given all the numerous problems it would bring.

    Most likely not a part of the game either.

    Also I dunno if they were lampshading Bethesda as much as Bethesda has just released Fallout 76 and they are releasing a similar game...

    You never know lol. But I expect a solid title or at least something way better than Fallout 76 and I hope they don't try to kill us with micro-transactions.

  8. The original Ratchet & Clank game was the most unique game I had played for the PS2. The dynamics between using Ratchet and Clank inter-changeably for puzzles and in combat as well as how they interacted with each other along with the in-game events and gaming world really provided a unique experience. What is the most unique game you played on the PS2 and why?

  9. Need For Speed Carbon would be one of my favorite games for the PS3 because of the number of times I completed that game but God Of War 3 was my favorite because it was one of the few games I played non-stop and was the only game I had remaining when my PS3 stopped working and had to sell it for parts.

  10. PlayStation 2 was what I played through my high school days - I remember spending MANY hours on it playing GTA Vice City and San Andreas. Ratchet and Clank was my first game for it and I also played the hell out of that game. It has to go down as one of the best consoles ever - just for the amount of entertainment it brought to many people during the early 2000s.

  11. On 12/22/2018 at 5:05 PM, DarthHazard said:

    I've used on tablet in my lifetime and that was only an Android one that came for free with one of my previous phones. Personally, I don't care for them that much. They seem a bit useless really which is probably shown by the fact that people are not as interested in them as they once were. For me, phones are much better for mobile gaming. It's a convenient size especially since you already carry it around all the time plus it has the added bonus of being a phone. Most of us have large phones with great screens as well so it isn't a problem.

    The issue is battery life. I agree that I don't use my tablet for much more than gaming and ebook reading but I need my phone for business and emergencies. It's not like you'll just find a carrier pigeon hanging around when your phone runs out of juice 😂

  12. 4 hours ago, DylanC said:

    Sounds cool, thanks! Will try and take a look.

    Lords mobile and although it is a bit on the pay to win side of things.  If you learn to play the game properly and be smart when building your turf, you can be a really effective player and it is highly recommended to join a guild because quite frankly, you won't survive without one. I can also recommend Fortnite but that needs no explanation.

  13. My username came about when I was signing up for Champions Online about 7 years back. It consists of my high school nickname "Killa" which was given to me because I was always efficient at everything I did, Mch shortened for my actual last name and 89 is my year of birth. I have used this name across several games and several other platforms as a matter of fact.

  14. I do agree with some of the posts here that the traffic to forums has decreased and forums do need to change their approach to maintain an active community. One thing they could add is contests...like on this forum and other events which gives forum members an incentive to socialize. 

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