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Posts posted by Heatman

  1. 12 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

    If they're making sequels to a series, then yes, they should but only to a certain degree. And a small one at that.

    If they're making something new, then absolutely not. Make it, release it, and have fun doing it. Does anyone else remember how nervous the studios were when they debuted God Of War? Now it's one of the most successful game series'.

    If you're making off the wall games withing a franchise (Mario Galaxy for example) then it's a toss up there.

    Seriously, God of War is a blast from day one. I watched one Remastered play on YouTube the other day and it was so thrilling. Let me see if I can get the video link. 

  2. 1 hour ago, skyfire said:

    That was my point. they are designing themselves to be in game and not let you unsub. when you try to you get added to another list. 

    Seriously, it's very annoying and a breach of trust by forcing such spams on people who didn't ask for it. I don't really blame a friend of mine who doesn't subscribe to any of this. 

  3. 1 hour ago, skyfire said:

    I have noticed it's not possible to have bug free experience considering the app updates happen every month. 

    Yeah - That's the main essence of applications updates all the time. I used to hate updating my apps till I had an experience with one silly bug that keep closing the app whenever I open it. 

  4. 1 hour ago, skyfire said:

    Well I only worry about the security and privacy part with Huwei as it is controlled by CCP but apart from that they have good UI and good overall experience. 

    Yeah - You're correct about how cool their user interface looks good with an incredible navigation system. I don't know much about their privacy set up. 

  5. 1 hour ago, skyfire said:

    There are some farm simulators out there too. 


    Seriously - most of the times, I see this kind of games as what my 3 year old niece would be interested in playing and not an adult. 

  6. 1 hour ago, skyfire said:

    There are people who pay their users to do positive reviews about them on such platforms. so yeah definitely not trustable. 

    Seriously - like how is a lie worth? Why would people lie on reviews which they know would put other people's decisions in jeopardy? 

  7. 1 hour ago, AndreiMirfi said:

    If you want a regular email service, I'll stick with Gmail. It's simple, looks fresh and you can select to not have ads in your inbox.

    If you want a private email service, then I'll stick with ProtonMail or Mail2World.

    Yeah - it's actually why I have been making use of it for years now. Although I also make use of Yahoo mail too. 

  8. 1 hour ago, skyfire said:

    Gmail is better feature wise but not privacy wise as they easily sell our data and use it in adwords. 

    Seriously, I'm aware that such happens with the use of Gmail. Why haven't users rebelled about it till now or did they? 

  9. 59 minutes ago, skyfire said:

    I am referring to this beast series of transformers which are divided and not necessarily autobots or decepticons as they are being used as allies by both. 


    Ooh, I get it now. They look incredibly interesting. I like it. 


    41 minutes ago, AndreiMirfi said:



    Got this thang 3 months ago, and I'm totally satisfied with it. It's also a money saver.

    How much did you get it for? Was it ordered online or bought in physical store? 

  10. 31 minutes ago, m76 said:

    More focus on storytelling and less focus on clout and after sales monetization options. I don't know why are we accepting those. Would you accept your car charging you each time you turn on the radio? Or each time you roll down the window?  After you bought a game you should be able to play them unrestricted, and any later purchases should be additional content, and I don't mean weapon skins. Actual meaningful content.

    Seriously, it's very downing how such microtransactions makes me feel. With the vivid explanation you did with one getting a car, it's basically the same thing with getting a game. 

    If you need an upgrade in your car for something it didn't come with, your expected to pay for it and not charging you extra for driving it. 

  11. On 10/10/2018 at 5:17 PM, DylanC said:

    Doom 2016 definitely has a kick ass opening. No messing around. As you said, it's straight to the point. Good choice!

    Seriously - I was actually looking up to Doom Eternal having or following the same set up, although it wasn't that much disappointing either. 

  12. On 11/22/2020 at 4:24 PM, m76 said:

    You absolutely cannot compare this to films and tv, you have no choice there, you just observe. You can feel bad for characters but why would you feel guilty?

    It was a funny observation I had with what he said, with movies it's already set to happen that way as it's all scripted. 

    But in playing video games, the decision is completely yours to make unless it's a situation where the decision was forced on you. 

  13. On 12/29/2020 at 10:46 PM, The Blackangel said:

    Cid in FF8 is a complete coward. He talks big as if he was a fighter in his youth, but when things start to go down, he runs away. He even admits it later on in disc 3. At least he recognizes that he is a coward, but damn it's annoying. he sends teenagers out to fight and die, but he hides like a scared little child hiding from the boogeyman.

    Seriously - Cid was the only character that disgust me so much in Final Fantasy 8. He's just a loud mouth with nothing to show up for it. 

  14. 25 minutes ago, skyfire said:

    I am not a fan mashup games but the trailer looks good though. 


    That's definitely an awesome trailer. I was actually looking out for Darkseid to feature in the game but I didn't see him. It's quite a letdown for me. 


  15. 20 minutes ago, skyfire said:

    Looks like something different in terms of the story and the gameplay. I am definitely this one is another unity made game but looks good. 


    It looks good but for not having the feature of seeing the playing character is something that I don't really like about the game. 

  16. 16 minutes ago, skyfire said:

    I don't know if anyone of you remember android game named Spirits.

    This one looks similar to that game. 

    This really looks nice with how its environmental graphics looks especially the forest and tree settings. I might play it to have an experience with it but not something I'd play for a long time. 

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