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Posts posted by Heatman

  1. On 1/7/2021 at 12:16 AM, StaceyPowers said:

    I can’t stand the changes to the layout of the PlayStation Store, and it really confused/irked me that PS3 content can now only be bought/viewed from PS3. Anyone else annoyed?

    At first glance, I had a little bit of confusion making use of it but with frequenting the store, I got used to it and felt very comfortable with it altogether. 

  2. On 9/5/2020 at 10:33 PM, StaceyPowers said:

    I definitely prefer full length songs or at least fairly long repeating loops in game soundtracks. Super short loops (i.e. 10 seconds) actually drive me kinda crazy. What about you?


    Personally, I don't really care about how long the soundtrack comes in as long as the songs is cool. But if it's not long enough, I wouldn't get the soundtrack outside the game to use it for ringtone. 

  3. On 1/5/2021 at 1:15 AM, The Blackangel said:

    I go where I can find a game I'm interested in. I really don't care one way or another.

    Seriously, the most important thing is that I got the game which I'm looking for wherever it's sold. If it's at the old mom's and pop's shop, it's cool, if it's in another big store, it's also very good too. 

  4. On 1/7/2021 at 1:27 PM, Empire said:

    Amazon can afford it, I mean they are the richest and biggest company. Te owner 😛 gets so much money a day that would take a normal person a lifetime to get. They will run and do everything one day. Take over other stores and also be so much in power. 

    Seriously, the money isn't really the problem for Amazon when it comes to getting into making video games. If they want to make more games, they can and all that's required is getting the professional needed for it to be a success. 

  5. 58 minutes ago, DylanC said:

    Death Crown and Aliens: Fireteam Elite

    Having to face a horde of Xenomorphs is something very thrilling from this game. Although the game animation and sound design needs an improvement, it's still a very fun game to play. 

  6. On 8/10/2021 at 1:56 AM, Demon_skeith said:


    I'm sure enough plams can be greased with $$$$$ to allow business to contiune. 

    Who doesn't like to get more money from any possible channel that come up? 

    On 8/10/2021 at 11:47 PM, killamch89 said:

    In this case not really because the gaming company moving out of their country will lower the amount of revenue in taxes and other stuff they'd earn so the government would look to put a policy in place to get that money out of them.

    The government and these companies are likewise the same thing when it comes to looking out for them when it comes to making money. 

  7. 4 hours ago, skyfire said:

    Yes sort of and those stores being able to ship both physical and digital worldwide while say accepting BCH or TRon or any other crypto so that border parity comes into play. 

    Joltfun is one company that offers such services of accepting cryptocurrencies for games transactions. They offer games from platform like Origin, PlayStation, Steam, uPlay etc. 

  8. 4 hours ago, skyfire said:

    A lot of games got ported few months or years later into switch or any other console. I have yet to find out the right timing or reasons for such moves. 

    Personally, I think that the reason for the porting is simply to have more people get into playing such games because probably when it's exclusive to one gaming platform, they aren't getting much players taking up the game. 

  9. 15 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    How could I forget the umbrella corporation in Resident Evil - they're the ones ALWAYS responsible for spreading some kind of virus or plague that infects the populace and turns them into zombies. The worst part is, there's no real motive to remotely justify their actions.

    Isn't money and control of the world what they looked for with spreading the virus? They already had the cure and wanted to wipe out the human race and start up a new breed that would have all the power to control the world. 

  10. 15 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    Not a bad combination at all, realistic cars and sounds mixed with the high-octane action of the NFS franchise. My pick is DMC and Castlevania - in many ways, both games do overlap A LOT but I'd like to see DMC's combat system integrated into Castlevania.

    Trying to picture how the two combination of the combat systems of DMC's and Castlevania would look like and all I can come up in my mental imagination is an explosive advanced combat system. 

  11. 15 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    I'd like to recommend the Elgato Facecam which is also a 1080p camera that comes with great software, easy manual controls and is the go-to camera for streamers. You can go wrong with this one or the Logitech StreamCam which has excellent face tracking and good low-light camera.

    I think that Elgato Facecam is good pick too from the camera specs which is almost the same as Logitech C922 Pro although the prices might differ based on where you are ordering from. 

  12. 16 hours ago, Joshua Farrell said:

    Not really. I have everything I need right here, and have curtains that darken out the light coming into the room when I want to play in darkness. I have mainly a controller for gaming on the desktop, a couple of speakers, a clock on the wall, and a headset when I don't want to disturb the house at night.

    Seriously, the use of headphones is a big thing for me when it comes to my gaming. I tend to have a deep connection with the soundtrack and audio listening from the headphones. 

  13. 21 hours ago, Joshua Farrell said:

    They have updated the entire set to work on the computer. The last thing they officially worked on and implemented for it, was cross system play for the multiplayer settings. Now you can play on the computer with friends on console, whether it be campaign missions, or general multiplayer. It has some getting used to using a keyboard and mouse, if you don't have a controller attached to your computer for gaming.

    Most of hardcore PC gamers that I have come across don't really feel comfortable using controller attached to their system. It's strictly keyboard and mouse for gaming for them. 

  14. 17 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    I like those ones as well rather than it autosaves randomly because I tend to have the worst of luck with these things.

    Yeah, there is a friend who switches off auto save and rather save manually on his own in order not to get the auto save kick in when it's going to cost him so much. 

  15. 18 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

    I was actually the one who was bullied,but he just pissed me off to the point that I wasn't going to take anymore of his shit, and wanted to make sure he got it that I wasn't a girl he wanted to fuck with.

    Standing up for yourself was the best thing you had done for yourself in that situation because if you didn't, he would keep dealing with you and never stop. 

  16. 15 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    Having seen the route Starfield took I'm inclined to agree and it'll probably annoy most people with consoles other than the Xbox or PC but it's just business.

    I think it's just something those without Xbox and PC would just have to give up playing unless they are willing to get another Xbox console or start playing on PC if that's the case. 

  17. 33 minutes ago, Joshua Farrell said:

    The last thing I remember doing to people, was ganging up on the new people in the game with a group. The group of us would do this to people we wanted to leave, even if we weren't in each other's guilds and clans. Half the time we would get the rage quit reaction, which made it that much funnier.

    This is exactly what happens in a Facebook game group that we play where new members are at the mercy of the older members. When I hear the rage quit reactions especially when the game becomes very frustrating for some, I'd poke him or her to quit already and stop threatening to quit. 

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