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Posts posted by Heatman

  1. On 1/3/2021 at 9:05 PM, m76 said:

    Are you sure that's not projection?

    Say if in both cases you were wearing a red shirt would then the game say that, people in red shirts are thieves?  Of course not.

    Personally, I don't think it's anything to do with projection and also it's not the same thing as the color of dress but the skin color. So, I think GTA kind of have a thing against painting the black race with bad picture. 

  2. On 12/5/2020 at 10:08 PM, StaceyPowers said:

    I saw a scalper group defending its actions with buying up PS5s and reselling them at high prices recently. The group said that a lot of its members were out of work because of coronavirus and needed the money.

    Do you feel that is a legitimate defense, or simply points toward the need for other solutions?



    From onset, men has been that way with always trying to justify all their actions with a good reason for the cause whether it's something good or bad. 

    If a scammer is caught, he or she would definitely come up with an excuse to justify his or her own actions. 

  3. On 1/5/2021 at 1:06 AM, The Blackangel said:

    This is my Skyrim character. I unequipped everything from her just for this pic to give a better show of what I look like.




    She looks quite mean from just looking into her eyes. It's one hell of rage that's burning through her eyes. I think i would work on a character like her. I'm copying your work already 😉

  4. On 12/9/2020 at 9:50 PM, Reality vs Adventure said:

    What exactly is modding in games? Is that something only for computer gaming?

    Games modding gives you a more robust game play based on what you want to have in your game. More like tapping into your gaming fantasy and making it real by adding modifications to the game you're playing. 

  5. On 1/3/2021 at 10:01 PM, Cumulus said:

    Is anyone here interested in simulation gaming? I'm normally more of a FPS guy myself, but I recently have been enjoying MSFS 2020 and OMSI 2 - mostly the latter because a map came put modelling my local area.


    They make a nice change from typical gameplay and can be quite a refreshing break. What's your favourite simulators? 

    Personally, I have given quite a decent amount of time into playing flight simulator back in the days and I wouldn't say that it wasn't enjoyable but I have moved on now. 

  6. On 2/29/2020 at 9:29 PM, StaceyPowers said:

    Do you watch speedrun videos? And do you participate in speedruns yourself? If so, what is the appeal?

    I do think I see why speedruns are entertaining, just from a “check out what I managed to do” standpoint.

    In general though, I’ve never really got into it, and I actually get really annoyed if there is a section of a video game which is essentially designed as a speedrun, where you have to get through an area within X minutes or start over.


    The question is whether Speedrun has any good value added to the gameplay and my personal observations is a big NO. So, I don't really see them as worth the stress. 

  7. On 3/21/2020 at 4:13 PM, Alyxx said:

    The Cube would make for an interesting game I think.

    Seriously, who wouldn't want to have the Cube as a video game? It's absolutely going to be massive and explosive as well. I don't use to pre-order games but I might make an exception here. 

  8. On 3/1/2020 at 7:55 AM, Joshua Farrell said:

    What is more important to you in a game, the action or the story?

    I will generally love the story line more than the action in a game. But if the action properly compliments the story, and isn't just to get you from task 1 to task to, then I would enjoy that too.

    I'm never going to choose one over the other because they both complete the game by making it a whole. If it's just action, it won't have any meaning and if it's just story, it won't be fun. 

  9. On 1/5/2021 at 11:41 PM, Patrik said:

    This is actually a decent punishement as cheating kills the fun in games already, i actually never knew that such anti-cheating measures exist.

    Seriously, it's something that is very interesting to me as far as cheating is involved in video games play. Although some people would argue its extremeness but it's something that I like. 

  10. On 12/18/2020 at 2:10 AM, killamch89 said:

    There were "rumors" floating around last year that they were working on a Medieval game but that has been put to rest. Honestly, I do like the idea but what about a Medieval game with GTA style? Instead of Oppressors(most tryhard vehicle in existence), you'd be riding Dragons or Griffins. The possibilities are endless but then again, it would have to be lucrative for them to even pursue the venture.

    Seriously, I think that we have been more accustomed to driving cars and all sorts but we never got the chance to ride a dragon 🐲 which if such medieval game is made with such possibilities, it's definitely going to be massive. 

  11. 4 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    I never remembered that the Aliens Co-op game was dropping. How is it so far?

    It's quite good from my time with playing it on PC. I think it's somehow related to Alien Isolation or more or less like the same genre. 

  12. 6 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

    Yeah 3 cheap little RDR2 videos at the moment. I uploaded them to make sure the channel was live and running. As for finding it, we're even having a hell of a time with that. So for anyone interested in checking it out here's the link.

    We're working on coming up with a banner for the channel, but that's gonna take a while as neither of us are very good at that kind of thing. Also YouTube chops the image you submit for their requirements down to a tenth of what size they require, so the only thing that would even fit in there is text.

    The most important thing is that you guys have started out the channel already and with time and dedication in growing it, you're going to perfect it and believe me it's definitely going worth your time and effort. 

  13. On 1/3/2021 at 12:29 PM, Withywarlock said:

    I can only recommend Necronomicon: The Best Weird Tales of H.P. Lovecraft as it's the only book of his I've owned and read (just this morning have I finished The Call of Cthulhu, despite having owned it since my college days), but I think it does a good enough job of showing off his 'Cthulhu Mythos' (what he's most famous for) and some of his 'standalone' horror works.

    Not really, no. Despite how generously fleshed out Lovecraft's works were during his life, they're still very cryptic and most adaptations revolve around others' work. Take for example the Call of Cthulhu (2018) video game - as I've just discovered it had virtually nothing to do with the short story of the same name, barring the tone and lots of green. However it was developed in collaboration with the rights holders of the tabletop roleplaying game, Call of Cthulhu, by Chaosim Inc.

    As said before, some stories are part of the Cthulhu Mythos (a 'Lovecraft Cinematic Universe', one might say), wherein the Great Old Ones are incomprehensible and more hauntingly, inevitable. Others are simple eerie stories about rats.

    I personally would recommend looking up some Lovecraftian imagery to get a better idea in one's mind's eye when reading the original work, however what's said in the book has been lovingly recreated since. I'm surprised how true to the source material the look of Cthulhu and the Great Old Ones has remained over a century later, if a lot of the themes of the books have been downplayed because it's easier to acknowledge that Cthulhu's a big bad tentacle monster.

    I'm afraid I can't fully answer this question, but here's my observations as to the central themes of good Lovecraftian writing:

    1. The monsters don't can't die. While a Call of Cthulhu game can have combat, it's usually a pointless affair. While many cultist worshippers of the Great Old Ones are mortal and can be gunned down, some have been blessed with near invulnerability and features akin to their tentacled gods. As for Cthulhu Itself.... It can't die. It can be made to go away, but it will come back because its cult has existed since the first men, and will be there long after the last. This is always at no small cost to life and sanity.
    2. 'Tis better to die than to go insane. Dying is considered the win state in the grim darkness of the Cthulhu Mythos. You can't possibly hope to lead a normal life knowing what you do about the Necronomicon, the non-Euclidean architecture of Cthulhu's resting place, and shooting as many loathesome hellspawn as you'll encounter. Alternatively, being ignorant of these things is for the best. Chances are we won't see Cthulhu in our lifetime given how many countless millenia It and Its kin have existed, and it's a good idea to keep it that way.
    3. A product of its time. While Cthulhu's exploits have been recorded in Ancient Rome, the Cold War all the way to the Cyberpunk future of 1994, Cthulhu is at its best in my opinion when it's set in its gaslight era of the early 1900s, or before its author's time in the 1800s. I don't say this just because of the unfortunately liberal use of racist language common for Lovecraft's region of New England, but because nobody could conceive his eldritch horrors at the time. They'd thought the worst was over with the decline of religious supernatural belief, the rise of world-changing political ideologies and the Great War finally ending, and now they have to contend with the notion they don't have everything figured out? It was the perfect time to say science didn't have all the answers, for all the advancements it had made.

    So with all that said, what games do I recommend? Not many as I still need to familiarise myself, but here goes:

    • The Amnesia series. This was one of the earliest indie games to revitalise the horror genre for mainstream audiences after the so-called AAA industry had had enough of it. A first person puzzle and stealth game, the player is typically tasked with remembering what it is they're doing in the haunted house they're stuck in, chased by horrific flesh constructs and having to look at candles to stay sane.
    • Call of Cthulu (2018) and Call of Cthulu: Dark Corners of the Earth for the obvious reasons. You might also try Achtung! Cthulu Tactics for a game based on the WW2 tabletop roleplaying game of the same name (barring the 'tactics' addition).

    I was going to mention a few Warhammer titles like Space Hulk and Vermintide, but they don't quite do enough to capture the whole Lovecraftian theme, not that they try to however much inspiration they take. I think once you've read a few of his stories you'll end up seeing influences everywhere, and might say "this could be a Lovecraft story if it weren't for this being explained already", like I did in regards to Resident Evil lately.

    I actually didn't know much about Lovecraft game until after reading up on your content about it here which is as detailed as one of the Lovecraft books. Now, I'm very much interested in reading up more about it with the recommendations you gave already. 

  14. On 1/6/2021 at 5:47 AM, killamch89 said:

    Traps really add to the experience in a dungeon or spooky setting because you have to watch your every step but on the other hand, you can also use it as a tool to get rid of some of the monsters in that same setting. If anything, knowing that there are traps around tends to let me really focus when I'm playing because one wrong move and I'll be in a very precarious situation.

    If you are ever the one to be in a rush to complete a task, when it comes to those traps you will end up getting caught in it which is definitely going to be a very frustrating experience for you. 

  15. 5 minutes ago, The Blackangel said:

    I figured this thread would be the best one to announce this. The channel itself is up, with a few quick videos just to get it going. But for some reason it's not coming up in a search, no matter what we try. The name of the channel is 2 Chix Gaming but even with the key words and the title, nothing comes up. If anyone can find it, tell me what you did so that I can implement it into my tactics to figure this damn problem out.

    Having tried all I could to find the channel, I was only able to find something similar which I'm not sure if it's the same channel. It's just  Chix Gaming. Screenshot_20210824-231114.thumb.png.f44337c85da5c7304aeba42b6fd1d443.png

  16. On 8/6/2020 at 11:06 PM, Crazycrab said:

    It's not a very practical way of playing older games but it does sounds like a fun little project.



    Finding compatible parts is a challenge but i've seen people do this kind of thing on Youtube, it's possible.

    Yeah, there are so many people who's done it already from the YouTube videos that I have watched in the past. Although, it's not something that I would be interested in doing but it looks cool from watching it get done. 

  17. On 9/21/2020 at 6:51 AM, Shagger said:

    Another thing that didn't happen to me was the cooling fan for the CPU coming loose then the CPU dying. It obviously didn't explode... this other person's computer, but it was still annoying as hell...  for this person...that wasn't me.


    The point is a computer won't explode if it's pushed to hard, it'll just shut down. There's too many failsafes in things these days for something electrical blowing up to be realistically possible.

    Exactly, if the PC blowing up isn't self induced by someone, it's highly impossible for something like that to happen. If the system shutdown down in a normal way, then it's not even a serious issue as it's supposed to just trip off automatically. 

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