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Posts posted by Heatman

  1. 33 minutes ago, Joshua Farrell said:

    I enjoy autosave in most of the games I have played. The ones that tend to work out the best for me, is ones that have checkpoints as the main autosave, and then autosaves that you can go back to, when in the middle of doing something. If all else fails, I go back to the checkpoint save, and redo my work.

    Yeah, you're correct about the checkpoint autosaves. There is this game called Top Eleven Football Manager that hosts a side tournament/events within the main game.

    In the side tournaments, it comes with checkpoint main autosave in which even if you lose, you can easily go back to the checkpoint and resume your way up. 

  2. 46 minutes ago, Reality vs Adventure said:

    I don't know man, probably tax breaks for CEO's or some personal agendas they have; but I have to refrain from political stuff in nonpolitical topics. 

    It may be ur may not be the case but one thing that I'm very certain about is that no company like Microsoft gets into politics without having anything serious to gain in return for their input. 

  3. 1 hour ago, The Blackangel said:

    It just hit me that Xbox is owned by Microsoft, which I completely forgot. So it's not all that big of a leap to take an Xbox exclusive game and put it on PC as well, since the own the patent on both.

    Yes, it's quite very easy task for them to have completed without even much paper works to finalize it. It's just like giving consent to having it done. 

  4. On 1/7/2021 at 7:42 PM, Reality vs Adventure said:

    At this point, my buying decisions with any Microsoft product are going to be related to what they donate their money to. Currently, they are financially supporting anti-democracy by giving money to senators that want to overturn the presidential election. That is against the foundation of democracy, and supportive of the republican coup. 

    What's the possible benefits that are likely going to be getting should their plan work with funding the senators that are fighting against democracy? Would they get more government deals or what? 

  5. 5 hours ago, Empire said:

    Not really, I do not ahve anything on the walls, I have a desk and good on the desk but no merch or whatnot. I mean I should make it al looking good but, why, going to be moving in the furture again and no point making it all cool lloking, even that I had been in this room for two years 😛 

    If you going to be moving soon, then it's of no use decorating the wall and all because it's all going to be a waste of time and money. So, once you have moved, you can get it done in your new home. 

  6. 5 hours ago, Empire said:

    Well,it's worth getting if you going to use it for other thigns, like taken it on Hoildays and whatnot. But most just get a good large $500 camrea just for streaming as an webcam. I mean I can make any $100 Basic webcam just as good with software filters 😛 

    Some people see it being stressful having to make use of these filters just to make the video quality look really good. It's why they go for the high end quality cameras. 

  7. 5 hours ago, skyfire said:

    It's not all about saying that they would make use of Next Gen technology to revive these games, it's all about getting it down as they says they would because we can't really trust these guys with just the word of their mouth. 

  8. 2 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

    You would have had to look quick because afterwards he didn't have much of a face left to see.

    We still argued about games every time we were in earshot of each other and talking about gaming, but he never tried to pick a fight with me again.

    Why would he wanna pick another fight with you when he barely survived the first try. If you're a bully, you would keep intimidating him after that day cos of what happened already. 

  9. On 6/12/2021 at 11:15 AM, Empire said:

    It’s funny seeing all of these once exclusive to apple arcade games being slowly ported over to switch, guess the elusively rights are starting to end, Since I seen this on Apple once.

    Maybe they aren't having much sales which led them to take the new incentive of porting their games to Switch as well to boost usage. 

  10. On 8/22/2021 at 6:51 AM, skyfire said:

    If that were to be the case his account would have died by now. 

    Actually the game looks cool a little bit, which some people would be open to playing because soccer/football games are fun when you know how to play competitively. 

  11. 47 minutes ago, skyfire said:

    I'd say it may take 3 to 4 months more in order for those launchers working out for the upcoming android version. Not sure they are releasing the same version for 12. 

    If there is any need for them to release a new version for version 12, I'm sure that they would be working on that outcome already, otherwise it's going to limit the usage. 

  12. On 1/7/2021 at 8:34 PM, killamch89 said:

    That's what I'm saying. They'd be limiting their own resources by limiting it to the Microsoft platform.

    Yes, it's very possible that they may be losing out on a lot of money if they decide to go fully exclusive with the number of gamers that would be left out on Playstation consoles. 

  13. 7 minutes ago, skyfire said:

    Yes that 4th wave chances are keeping people locked even to date. This is why even markets are controlled, offices time regulated all over the world. 

    I think pokemon go players would struggle if they are starting their quests in these times. 

    Yeah, with the way the recent wave of the spread is going on, people really need to be very careful with what they do. 

    We used to hit a mall over here during the weekend to play some games, but it's been totally scrapped for safety. 

  14. 7 minutes ago, Empire said:

    I use Logitech C920 myself that I had own for many years. It's old and it's still good till this day 🙂 Does 1080 even that I stream at 720 and goes to 30 and 60 😉 

    Why spend $200 for a camrea or even high as $800 just for doing that 😛 

    Some rich folks can actually blow your mind when it comes to spending money on the things that they really love and enjoy doing. I'm not surprised if one spent more than $500 on such devices. 

  15. 6 minutes ago, skyfire said:

    I think the amount of bots in such farming games makes it a bit hard for genuine players to play. As they are not up against real players often. 


    I don't see any reason why a real player should give his or her time playing with or against bots. It doesn't add up, which is why they all tend to move on from the game. 

  16. On 7/28/2020 at 6:30 PM, AndreiMirfi said:

    I played Clash of Clans on my old tablet back on 2015. My level was 25, before I stopped playing the game because I was getting bored of it.

    Personally, I believe that a lot of people stopped playing it as a result of how bots took over the game and rendered it pointless for them to enjoy. 

  17. On 1/7/2021 at 12:15 AM, StaceyPowers said:

    With Microsoft now owning Bethesda, how likely do you think it is that the next Elder Scrolls game will be exclusive to Xbox/PC?

    There is every possibility of that happening with Microsoft owning Bethesda as it's within their right to do so with the next Elder Scrolls games.

    But on the other hand, I believe that the sales volume if they go exclusive would have a huge influence on that decision as well. 

  18. 1 hour ago, Shagger said:


    He's discussing Battle Royal as a genre, not a game. The concept is a competitive multiplayer with X amount of players started a match with every playing against each. Players are eliminated by each other one by one until only one player is left and declared the winner. Games that follow this format include PUBG and Fortnight.

    I actually thought he's referring to Battle Royale game and not genre like PUGB, Fortnite etc. It's where I got that mixed up as it was Battle Royale FPS shooter that I was referring to. 

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