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Everything posted by Dead2009

  1. Figured I'd start one of these bad boys up with this: Power Rangers Season 28 Will Be Titled Dino Fury (EXCLUSIVE) https://www.ign.com/articles/power-rangers-dino-fury-season-28-2021-costumes
  2. https://www.ign.com/articles/tony-hawks-pro-skater-1-and-2-remake-first-screenshots-revealed Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 and 2 is a remake compilation of the first two games in the acclaimed skateboarding series, and the first screenshots showcase developer Vicarious Visions' impressive work on modernizing the originals. Check out the gallery below for our first look at the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 and 2 remakes, which VV studio head Jen Oneal spoke to IGN about ahead of the announcement. The gallery includes comparisons provided by Activision of locations in the original games to the same spots in the remake. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 and 2 will be released for PS4, Xbox One, and PC via the Epic Game Store on September 4, 2020, with preorders offering fans early access to a demo of the iconic Warehouse level.
  3. Give you an order? There was no need to come in and shit all over the thread if you had nothing to contribute. Go create video games and let us enjoy our thing. Tonight's show was pretty enjoyable, and WWE should hold more shows on the roof more often. Let's have some shows during the daylight in the summer, please.
  4. The way this thread works is you start off by posting what would terrify you more between 2 subjects, the person after you would reply and they would name off 2 more subjects etc. I'll start off by giving an example:
  5. You love to laugh, right? You love to smile? What are some of your favorite movies that do just that? 1. Ace Ventura 2. Coneheads 3. Mars Attacks 4. Austin Powers 5. The Mask 6. Tropic Thunder 7. Talladega Nights 8. Dodgeball 9. Coming to America 10. Grown Ups
  6. Found this on another forum and figured I'd post here. As we all know, movies tend to get remade quite a bit, and sometimes with a setting update to contemporary times of the new film's release. So thought I'd ask guys what are some movies that can't be remade in your opinion, or at least if they were, can't be updated to modern times. Will list a few I think will apply as well: Jurassic Park Jaws The Exorcist Ace Ventura Just to name a few. Thoughts?
  7. We all love fast food (at times), but eat too much of it (depending on what you do and whether or not you're relying on it with work etc). That being said, what are some places that you just have to order from? It doesn't necessarily have to be 10 places, just a ranking of each. 1. Taco Bell 2. McDonald's 3. Burger King That's it for me lol.
  8. If all you're going to do is talk about how fake it is to derail the discussion then take it elsewhere. It's not needed. I also just realized I cant edit the first post.....
  9. Fake = the stories and acting. Not fake = the bumps they take. Point is, people don't need to be constantly told wrestling is fake every time they want to talk about it, or admit that they like it. At this stage of the game it's merely something to annoy people with.
  10. I'll watch it just for the kicks but i'm more upset that it's being stuck in Florida because it was supposed to be held in Maryland before everything shut down.
  11. I dont see what the point was in bringing up the point that its fake when we all know it is.
  12. Wrestling is as real as all the shows you watch on television. We get it, it's fake.
  13. In here we can talk all things wrestling! That's if you watch, of course. This thread will be updated with the current champions in all the major companies, as well as rumors and show results! In here we can talk all things wrestling! That's if you watch, of course. This thread will be updated with the current champions in all the major companies, as well as rumors and show results!
  14. The argument can be made that Contra is literally the same game over and over, though. Cant claim Mario and Sonic are boring because theyre repetitive or what have you but then say Contra isnt.
  15. Has anyone watched this yet? I'm currently 5 episodes in and I'm hooked. The concept is interesting.
  16. THAT game disappointed me because of the type of game it was and it's control scheme. They were terrible.
  17. Its a Twitch thing where it refers to being sad.
  18. Man this came out today and I was looking forward to playing it until it said PC with Xbox coming at a later date FeelsBadMan.
  19. Dead2009


    This comes out next month and I can not wait!
  20. Not a financial issue. 2K20 was a buggy, unplayable mess and the game was in trouble long before the pandemic started.
  21. Incorrect. 2K14 and 2K17-18 were some of the best games 2K put out.
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