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Situations in video games that were deeply disturbing when you thought harder about them

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What are some situations in video games that bothered you only when you stopped and thought about them? Like, I’ve been having a lot of fun exploring the beautiful Forgotten Vale in Skyrim, but when I thought about it, I realized how disturbing it is that the Falmer were cheated out of their ability to see their beautiful holy site (where they are currently living).

Edited by StaceyPowers
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Riding out with Lenny in RDR2 when we were going to clear out Shady Belle. During the conversation on the ride, Lenny mentions that people might call Arthur a "nigger lover". Initially it didn't really bother me. But when I thought about it, this was just 30 years after the Civil War ended. While he may not have been a slave, he still wasn't free. He had to watch his back at all times and sleep with both eyes open. Him being black, in that time period, was more dangerous than it is now. And it's not a safe time for blacks. Just look at what happened to George Floyd. But back then, Lenny couldn't have gone to town without a white person with him. He most likely would have gotten lynched.

The sins of my race seem to stretch further than any other.

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