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Dexter should get a video game

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I know it might not make sense to make a game based on Dexter, but it actually happened. Though I'm pretty sure it was a cheap and mediocre mobile game, but it shows they can do it. My issue though, is that I want a new game based on Dexter, one that is made by a competent team and not a mobile game studio. Would you be into a Dexter game? Or would the subject matter be a little too much? I mean, the point of Dexter is that he kills the bad guys, so it could be a hitman style game, where the end goal is to put the hit on your table. As Dexter does in the show. 

Would you like to see a Dexter game? Or is it a tad bit too late? Even with the new show on TV. 

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I’m thinking you could do a mix of genres for different scenarios. Sherlock Holmes/ Batman point and click style deduction for murder scenes, simulation/puzzles for forensic analysis at Miami Metro, Hitman stealth/action for catching victims.

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