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The Blackangel

Top 20 Most Stressful Video Games

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I agree with Until Dawn, Outlast... These games were suspenseful and you get a big say of what happens. Overcooked is fun, but goodness - it does get stressful, especially so if you're playing with a 7-8 year old. xD He always added more stress to it for me. Playing with adults made it better of course because we were able to communicate better. 

I hadn't thought about Mario Kart - but I suppose what the video was true. The map/Items can cause stress. 😛 I'm pretty chill with losing on the game. I haven't played Bloodborne myself, but watched my husband play it and it was a bit stressful to watch! 

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Among these 20 games, I have only played The Outlast. I must say that it is definitely one of the most stressful games ever made for PC. I used to get mini heart attacks so many times while playing this game lol. It creates a very cold environment in the mind of the person playing it, not sure about other but I used to feel like I am actually in it as the character. There are so many moments where there's pin-drop silence and all of a sudden a ghost pops up out of nowhere! People with heart problems shouldn't play this game.

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A great title that you've mentioned there! I'd be hard pushed to think of my top 20. Although, "Dark Souls" games are famous for being really difficult. They require you to have good timing, think strategically, and act fast. When you play, it can make you feel tense and stressed out because you're always worried about losing your progress and facing tough bosses.

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