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Reverie last won the day on September 11 2023

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  1. I love Mario Kart quite a bit on the switch, but I also really favor Animal Crossing. I love the relaxation of the game Animal Crossing and being able to have it in a handheld device is amazing! It's one of my favorite go tos!
  2. I was quite sad to hear of his passing as he was an active character in Destiny! It was hard to lose a character due to the loss of a great actor. I think the game did him justice though in the end. He will forever be remembered through these games!
  3. Tetris will always be a classic and continue to be a popular game. Other games have based the concept and released newer versions such as Puyo Puyo, but it also has a tetris mode on it. I love it and I think it will continue!
  4. I'm sure AI will assist in storyline for quite some time before using it for the graphics. They may get ideas for their graphics though as well because as humans we run out of ideas I feel like. Do you think they'd advertise if they used AI? I bet not. It'll be interesting to see the use over the years though!
  5. I loved them, except I was terrible at them. For some reason I could not for the life of me be good at racing games. I'm somewhat better at like Mario Kart due to being able to turn off the falling off the map. I was AMAZING at the one on the GBA though! I wish I could play that again and again.
  6. I love the .io games! slither.io was a favorite and most recently Hole.io was another I played nonstop especially if I'm just sitting in the car and trying to kill time or something. Slither.io is actually at an arcade I go to! It's pretty awesome! I forgot about them, so this reminded me to play them. I liked agar.io too originally.
  7. Kingdom Hearts is always one I want to replay. I've tried to beat my time on it and get it done quicker and quicker each time. I also always return to Runescape. The seasonal events always bring me back and I just can't ever fully get away from Runescape! Call of Duty is a classic that I can return to over and over as well. Wish the older games were more monitored though because I'd love to play some multiplayer on like Black Ops 2.
  8. On the original one I loved The Taken King Campaign expansion. I was excited for the house of wolves expansion but it wasn't as good as I wanted it to be. It just felt like something was missing or it was too forced. Curse of Osiris and The Witch Queen are both my favorites on Destiny 2. The story was good and I enjoyed it. I played Lightfall and it was okay, my husband said it was a bit too corny with the main character development. I'm curious about the upcoming DLC.
  9. I tried playing Uno on a console and then it didn't work for some reason. I think they quit updating the game on whichever console it was. I loved playing Uno on my phone though! It was a lot of fun, in fact I forgot all about being able to play Uno on the phone. Might have to look into it again.
  10. I played D.va and Ash the most I think. I really rotated through most of the tanks though depending on my mood. I didn't really like the support class personally. Soldier was another good one to play for me, reminded me most of my typical game play on other FPS type games.
  11. Reverie

    Fall Guys?

    I enjoyed the idea behind the game. Simple mindless playing and I enjoyed it a lot! I forgot about it honestly, this makes me want to go play it again. I think it would be a lot of fun to play with a group of friends!
  12. I have not used it myself, but I have begun seeing other players on TikTok! I enjoyed watching since it was easier to access on my phone than going to twitch on my phone. I learned about more switch games this way because many of the gamers are switch gamers, but I've seen some FPS games as well.
  13. I don't think it takes away from storyline. Destiny has a wonderful multiplayer portion, but they have told a great story in my opinion. Even Call of Duty has a storyline, now have I really ever played the campaign.... no, but I like the idea of the story they have. xD
  14. I know people who struggle with this also struggle with watching movies and etc sometimes just from a sudden change in lighting. I think it would be difficult for video game creators to necessarily prevent all of this, because you just can't while still creating a story and a game. Perhaps some of the effects could be dulled and this would be helpful? I wonder how easy it would be to add this into a game rather than creating a whole game with less effects. I know people use the colorblind accessibility features even if they don't struggle with colorblindness. It's a feature that was added in, so I wonder if a similar feature could be added but for seizure inducing graphics.
  15. I don't notice a change in my memory, but my reaction time has improved immensely from playing video games I think. I also think I'm a bit more observant, possibly due to video games, or possibly just due to experience.
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