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Son and Bone - Dinosaur themed first-person shooter

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This looks like a Doom clone, but with Dinosaurs. Son and Bone was recently announced with a new trailer, showcasing what the gameplay will look like. It reminds me a lot of Doom, but also maybe a bit of Turok. But the differences here, is that there looks to be some humanoid dinosaurs too. It kind of looks dated for a PS5 game, but maybe it'll be a fun game. The studio behind it made Quantum Error, but I don't think that had great reviews. 

I'm not expecting this to be a hit or anything. But it looks like it'd be fun for the right price. 

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As someone who loves Turok and Doom I definitely will be getting this title. It reminds me of Turok for the PS3/Xbox 360 more than the older games. Still looks like it will be fun, but I can definitely see that the graphics look like last gen graphics. (Though honestly it doesn't bother me much.) Good thing I own a PS5 since it looks like it's going to be a exclusive, which is rare to see these days.

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