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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. Look, I'm not going to remove that video nor the references to his channel from your post, but for your sake I am very tempted to smdo so. The guy puts himself on YouTube and we all have the right to critique him and discuss his content. The thing is you keep agreeing with us that you're best off just not bothering with him anymore yet you keep going back. And now you're pointing us straight to him and his channel. Why? What are we supposed to do with this exactly? Watch his videos to see for ousecelves what his content is like to better understand the situation, or are you looking to "rally" VGR against him? I know you've not had a great experience with him, but in the end he's just a Youtuber to us and no more. Just ignore him. And the following should go without saying, but let's it clear anyway. If any VGR members want to check out "Michael Does Life" on YouTube feel free, but please don't harras him nor anybody at the behest of other VGR members.
  2. C&C Red Alert 2 is a favourite on mine as well. Played it to death ever since it launched. Yeah, I'm old...
  3. Why did you go back? I don't understand why after what you described you so much as watch his content again, never mind donate to him. It's like watching someone in an abusive reletionship. It is so often the case you see this pattern repeat itself again and again. As much as I, as the observer looking in from the outside, am trying to understand what it is you see in this, I just can't see why you keep giving second chances. Just stop, please? Let his online career die the slow death it deserves.
  4. I actually reviewed a game called Ravenlok a while ago. Not a very good game to be honest, but my god it was pretty.
  5. Welcome to VGR. Very happy to have you here.
  6. The fans chanting crap like this horrid, but in a true statement of just how bad football/soccer fans can get, not surprising. For the players to do so is completly unacceptable. They are representing thier country as professional athletes, a major responcibility. Not only is it a mockery of that responcibility for them to partake in such actions, it is (or at least it should be) part of that responcibility to condemn such actions from anyone. To me, it would not be to harsh for Agentenia stripped of the Copa America Cup over this as well as fines and suspensions/bans for the players involved.
  7. First and foremost, being on LGBTQ has no bearing on it. To boil it down to a very basic level, it starts with proving you can take care of yourself. Find a place to live, genrate an income or have the funds to study to or invest and so on. If you have grandparents or parents who were/are UK citizens it can make things a little easier. Eventully, on can apply for what they call Indefinate Leave to Remain (yes, it's a stupid name) that grants one the right to live in the UK on a permibat basis. Anyway, UK Government Website explains this in better detail.
  8. Yeah, Nigel Farage is quite the character. There is little to nothing I see eye to with him in terms of his party and his politics, but I actually think the guy is good for British politics. A far right representative who knows how to, as you put it, "walk the line of accountability" can help let the legitimate concerns, and there are legitimate concerns, that area of politics bring forward be heard without resorting to the kind of instigation and extremism that we sadly see in America. That I think makes him the thorn is the side this new Labour government needs to not sit too comfortable, especially in the wake of this massive victory. Because when a government gets to comfortable, that's not good. I don't want a government, regardless of who's in charge, to be comfortable. I want them under pressure, and whether you like the guy or not, Nigel Farage is going to brilliant at applying that pressure.
  9. With all due respect, what gives you or anyone the right to decide wether people will enjoy a game or not? That attitude is not saving anyone from anything, let's get that right. The only people those throwing a hissy hit over difficulty options are thinking are themselves. There are plenty of good reasons why somebody could play a game on a "no death" difficulty option without getting boared. Somebody might have a physical or mental handicap that would make the combat in the game impossible. Not to mention that that it makes absolute sense for people to play on easy difficulty options to just enjoy a game's story and exploration elements. You know, kind of why people play games from Boiware. The same reason play games like Life is Strange, Telltale games, Until Dawn and Detroit: Become human. There is not a damn thing wrong with that, there never was and there will be. Sorry, but my temperance for other points of view hit thier limit on this issue with difficulty. No force on Heaven nor Earth can convince me that it's anything above fucking stupid to complain about a difficulty option one is obviously not going to use. It is some insanely self-centred, gatekeeping, elitist bullshit. That what this really about. People looking to exclude the "unworthy" from even playing games. The same people make the same complaints about accessibility options in games as well for same reason. Regardless of why somebody might to play game that way, getting mad at a difficulty options is and always will ridiculous because it's exactly that, an OPTION! Nobody is forcing anyone to play games that way, so is it so difficult to just turn the difficulty up and leave everyone else the fuck alone? The only time such complaints have merit is if the game in question has no difficulty options because you're then at the mercy of the game's balence. You know, like Elden Ring. So it's 100% fair to complain about a game's difficulty when there no options, whether that person feels it's too hard or too easy. There are other more complex things that can be complained about that I would consider legitimate gripes as well. For example, I think magic is Skyrim is horrendously balanced. It's too strong for enemies and too weak for the player. The point is that difficulty is only a legitimate thing to complain about when it's forced. So this insanity around Dragonage? Not a legitimate complaint because it's an option. The criticism of Elden Ring? That is a legitimate complaint because it's forced. Wether you agree with it or not, everyone is entitled to feel how feel, it is legitimate because there are no options. Play games how you want and let others do the same. I don't understand why that's so hard.
  10. By the same margin, couldn't others be left alone to enjoy exploring a game's world and story by having easier difficulty modes? I mean, this game was written by George R.R. Martin right? Likewise, could people be allowed to answer the door, make a phone call or take a shit without a game arrogantly refusing to let you utilise the basic connivence of pausing? Is it so much to ask that people with disabilities, so far as reasonably practical, be accommodated for with accessibility options? People aren't trying to deny people the challenge of these games if they want them, all that's being pondered is the possibility of opening them up a little. Adding these thing takes literally nothing away, so I don't understand why the Souls fanbase has a tantrum every time somebody so much as thinks of the idea. I heard recently that gamers lost thier shit at the upcoming Dragonage game for having an "no die" option for people who just wanted to breeze through and enjoy the story. Soulslikes can continue these ridiculous, archaic tropes if they want, but this gatekeeping bullshit has got to stop. Dragonage isn't even a Soulslike.
  11. I did got from dawn 'till dusk with Uncharted 4, a game I wasn't even that cray about, so why I felt compelled to play that one huge session I really don't know. It's not a common thing for me to game in huge spurts like that. Another game that can draw longer sessions from me is Tales of Berseria. I have stopped played and been stunned by how long I was playing it.
  12. The same reason I stop playing games to eat, your just begging for a mess. Sandwiches are OK, though. Easy to swap with a controller or mouse-keyboard with being messy. I actually think energy juice and caffeinated soft drinks aren't actually the ideal. Regular juice and the occasional soothing hot drink is actually my preferred go to's. I don't want to be tense and jittery while I play.
  13. Shagger


    Welcome to VGR.
  14. Welcome to VGR. If you have any questions, please ask and I'll do my best to answer them.
  15. Can you be specific and show examples?
  16. Yep, more Japanese games 😆 Anyway, that crossover thing isn't anything new. The "Tales of..." series from Bandai Namco does a similar thing with some sort of half baked, alternate universe bullshit just so they can have characters from other Tales games appear in cameo roles, usually as high level optional bosses to fight. I also heard read somewhere the Jecht was meant to be a recurring character in Final Fantasy, but was only ever canonised in the world of FFX. I have NO idea how they were going to make that work.
  17. Since nobody has though to post an actual article on this; From Global News (Canada) The law in the UK (I am from the UK) is very clear to anyone who lives here. A stealth knife, flip knife or solid knife with an edge longer than 3 inches is illegal to have on your person in public unless you have a reason for it (That basically means you have to justify having it as a required tool). And no, "self-defence" doesn't fly. Expectations are made for antiques and props, but it's obviously still going to be an offensive weapon charge if you actually use them. Here's an image of the actual Master Sword replica in question: Looking at the ruler, the top of the guard starts at around 5cm and goes as far as 21.5cm. I suppose the sheath would have to be at least slightly longer than the blade, so let's say 15cm length for the blade. That's 6in, clearly way longer than the law allows. I would bet my left testicle that the police knew perfectly well, like the rest of us, he was never intent of hurting anyone with it, but the law is the law. However, I do hope some common sense follows this as this guy does not deserve to have his life ruined over this.
  18. I try to recall what the hell was happening in Final Fantasy XV and all that comes to me is... um... nice car? It's been a while, but I know that I would remember that at some point I knew what was going on in that game if I ever had it figured out. The thing is though, a story doesn't have to be complicated to become, as you put it, a "confusing mess". Take Dragon's Dogma, for example. The premise and motivation for the player was actually very simple. A "Chosen One" hero to slay big bad Dragon, but it was the villain's motivations that had me lost. The Dragon eats your heart then just waits for you to come and kill it because, why? It's was a sentient, intelligent character, but with no clear motivation for anything it was doing. With no clear motivation for the villain, there could be no clear objective to the story itself, Nowhere for it to go, nothing to resolve. By the time I beat the game, I was beyond caring, especially since everything seemed to go straight down the shitter after you win anyway. Nier, both the original game and Nier Automata, were minds fucks as well Again, there was clear motivation for the player in the immediate scenarios, but to take in thier surreal, cryptic stories as a whole is begging for headache. I stared playing Scarlet Nexus quite recently as well. I'm not nearly far enough into it to say for sure, but this is already looking like another game to leave my brain dribbling out of my ears. And I just realised that between myself and @Kane99 Japanese games are really taking a pounding in this thread, a trend I see continuing for some reason 🤔.
  19. The only reason one should get pains and crimps in your hands after playing a video game, even after an extended period of time, is if there something wrong with your posture, grip or the way you handle or manipulate the UI device, whether it's a mouse, keyboard and especially a controller. Modern controllers are the product of decades of research, testing and and improvements on the pervious model to make them as ergonomic and easy to use as possible. They are designed to use used by relaxed hands. If using them is causing pain, there's something you're doing wrong.
  20. Good for you, but what has this got to do with the topic?
  21. Yeah, because having a long gaming session is the same thing as being forced to work long hours to the point of being physically and mentally damaging because a game publisher failed to schedule and estimate development time correctly. Seriously, do you even know what it is you're saying?
  22. @Ajay25 I've merged your topic with an already existing thread.
  23. Yes, members can edit thier own posts on VGR, but only within 10 minutes of posting them. This has been a long standing policy and it is there for security and to maintain post consistency. Being able to infinitely edit posts does open up the chance for people to abuse the system to retroactively add bad links and spam as well as "alter" arguments they have made when debating with others and unfairly affect the integrity of others posts. The 10 minute limit has been discussed before and we're certainly open to the idea of extending it if a compelling argument can be made. Even if you're already past that 10 minute window, if you report your post to the mod team and explain why you want you post edited, we would consider that request so long as there is a good reason.
  24. Knowing 2k, they wouldn't do this for any game unless it's a safe bet, in other words something that's already made some money. The sports games don't really make sense as they're a yearly thing anyway, so it doesn't leave much on the table. Bioshock and Mafia for me are out because, according to the article, they're already working on new Bioshock and Mafia games. Civilisation seems unlikely as well as those types of games just don't need remakes. The Borderlands Series sounds like a likely suspect for me and that would be nice. A remake of Spec Ops: The Line would be fantastic, especially since the game has been pulled from sale, but the idea of 2K actually listening to people when they say they want that game back is too strange.
  25. A brand new game, released on July 5th 2024, has been made free for a very limited time. You have until 9am Eastern time to on July 7nth to claim it, so head to the Steam page now while you have the chance! It should cost £8 (Around $10), so why not just claim it for free. https://store.steampowered.com/app/3028500/Cakeys_Twisted_Bakery/ Cakey's Twisted Bakery is a first person horror game whare you explore a strange bakery in search of your lost bother be fore he's baked... literally. With added elements of stealth and collecting ingredients to make pastries that, in one way or another, help you escape the bakery. Boasting an art style similar to game like FNAF and a retro 90's setting. It looks interesting and could be a lot of fun. Toi summarise, This is for Cakey's Twisted Bakery on PC through Steam. The game was £8, but is being offered at a 100% discount to £0 from the time of this posting until 1pm GMT (9am Eastern US time) on the 7nth of July 2024. Here is the link again to the Steam store page to claim the game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3028500/Cakeys_Twisted_Bakery/
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