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Shagger last won the day on August 31 2024

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About Shagger

  • Birthday July 3

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  1. I actually disagree. Sega did well with the Mega Drive/Genesis because they beat Nintendo to 16bit, but the basic concepts and designs they implemented into thier hardware weren't that different. There was no real innovation there. Ever since the Mega Drive/Genesis, it was mistake after mistake. The rushed out the SegaCD/MegaCD when the technology was too young, not to mention it's impracticalities as an add-on instead of a separate console. Then there was the pointless 32X add-on they came out with leaving the Saturn underdeveloped compared the Playstation and N64. They never really recovered from that. It's a shame because thier next console, the Dreamcast, was the innovative, well developed console they needed instead of the aforementioned add-ons and Saturn, but it came too late. So in answer to the original question, yes. Sega's failures opened the door. Especially for Sony who made a similar console to the Saturn in that they were both CD based 32bit systems, but without Sega's split focus, Sony made it better.
  2. If your question is "Do you suspect that that so many indie games utilse retro style graphics because they can't produce more modern graphics?", I have to say yes. It's not that these games look bad or anything, I just find it a little embarrassing when indie game developers insist that retro style graphics are a stylistic choice when, at least some of the time, it clearly wasn't.
  3. I'm meant to say "Giant's", but it must have autocorrected to "Goats" 🤣
  4. I was gonna say the same thing. Even by modern standards the Big Gordon's Sword is a pain in the ass. Getting the Goats Wallet is a pain as well because of how cryptic some of the Gold Skulletas are.
  5. Shagger

    UFC 311

    @Heatman, there was no reason to start three separate topics for this as these fights were all at the same event. That is why I've merged them together and given them a general title. Please stick to this format in the future.
  6. I've merged these two topics together as they are about basically the same thing. @Ja sa bong, please exersice some common sense when it comes to this in the future.
  7. This is very satisfying. Those scum deserve every little bit of bad karma that comes thier way.
  8. The problem with this debate is the people who care enough to join the debate are last people who should be listened too. The extremists on both sides have no capacity for reason, compromise or even common sense. It's the people in the middle that are dispassionate enough to set a sensible limit on what is edgy and what is straight up offensive, but that same dispassion also makes them less likely to care enough to get involved with debate at all. Not to mention neither sets of extremists would be happy with the outcome and only make thier already loud, irritating complaints even louder. Ultimately, unless it's a clear attempt to jgst offend and provoke people, give the developers and publishers the choice on whare to draw the line and have both sides respect the creative decision. Give them the freedom to make the choice, but also charge them with the responsibility for that choice and everything that goes with it.
  9. A final update. I have been diagnosed with a kidney illness. I won't post the name of the condition because I know people will ask Dr Internet about it and likely get wmerronous information about it, but I can assure you it's not something to be concerned about as it can be controlled with medication. There is currently no risk of needing dialysis nor a tranplant and it won't affect my day to day life. It just needs monitored.
  10. Wet Vs Cold AND Wet. Yeah, the answer is obvious.
  11. Haven't we all drawn pictures of this sort of thing in our maths books as eight year olds?
  12. I don't really see the issue of a minority (Albeit an annoyingly loud minority) of gamers being, let's say, culterally intolant and what the Star Citizen fanbase do as the same thing. In both cases it takes a special level of stupidity to engage, but I can feel sorry for the Star Citizen fans in the same way I feel for scam victims in general. I understand how it's much easier on one's pride to believe the lies of the scammer than admit to yourself that you have been fooled. Yes, Star Citizen's fans, or perhaps Star Citiizen's victems to be more accurate, have been making themselves look stupid by not only buying into that scam, but relentlessly defending it for over a decade. However, as with all scam victims, it's not simple stupidly that brought them there. They are victems of some very shrewed, crewel but also very clever manipulation. You can't put the blame, or at least not all if it, on them. The culturally intolerant I mentioned earlier deserve no such sympathy. It's all very simple with them. Stupid, ignorant, closed minded people doing stupid, ignorant, closed minded things.
  13. Saying that games should be developed for a specic culture to play implies that gamers aren't capable of enjoying cultural themes in games unless it's thier own. As petty and narrow minded as some gamers have proven themselves to be, I have to believe that we are better than that.
  14. Honestly, as mush as I like him in ring, I find the character a bit dull. I fear this push he's getting is coming a little too soon, but I hope to be proven wrong.
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