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Beautiful House in Bad Neighborhood vs. Ugly House in Beautiful Neighborhood?

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Would you rather have a beautiful house in a bad neighborhood or an ugly house in a beautiful neighborhood? Curious to hear your thoughts on this. On one hand, a gorgeous home can be a sanctuary, but safety and surroundings matter too. On the other, an unattractive house in a great area might offer more security and community vibes, but might not feel as homely. What would you choose and why? Discuss!

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Definitely an ugly home in a beautiful neighborhood.  

If you know real estate, you'll learn that it's not what YOUR home is worth - it's what OTHER homes are worth, which is what determines your home's worth.  You can be one block way on the other side of the tracks and have totally different home comparables.  It's definitely much better (at least in the real world) to have a smaller home or uglier home in a neighborhood filled with larger, prettier homes because their home price per square foot will raise yours up.  

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